Anyone tried Laird RM1XX modules?

you can program this module with a language they call ‘smartBASIC’


smartBasic :open_mouth:

This is a strange choice as today we have such LUA or small pyhton open source engine but I think we could deal with it :wink:

Prepare to have fun converting sensors libraries to SmartBasic !!!

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As expected…my 29th July shipping date is “pending” :triumph:

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I contacted Mouser earlier today. They will get back to me with an update on this parts shipping asap.


I already have the developer kit and actually working on a blog post. It’s a good piece of kit. No problem connecting to Things Network (used OTAA) though I can’t use the “lora check” function and message ACKs don’t return RSSI/SNR as reported probably because of the know differences in how ACK is working in TTN.

Everything else seems to work fine so far.
I already used smartBASIC in the past for their BLE modules so that wasn’t an issue. Even if you’re new to it the included terminal/compiler package is easy to use and works on macOS, windows, and linux

If you have any questions let me know and I’ll try to address them here or on the post.
I haven’t connected sensors directly to it as I’m focusing on the BLE to LoRa side. By the way keep in mind the BLE stack provided is Central side only, so it’ll only talk to peripherals.


9 posts were split to a new topic: What’s your experience with

Hi…can you quantify how much code space is available… We would need to add some code in order to calibrate our sensors and don’t want to run out of space.

I don’t have any Laird module in hands. I have no idea of space left after programming, and I didn’t found any information on module Flash size and RAM size. Would be interesting to know.

that’s a question for jmarcelino :wink:

@ Charles, yes your WeMos Gateways looks pretty !

Hi Stuart,

There’s 30KB (30720 bytes) available for code.

For example the temperature sensor example code provided by Laird below takes up 394 bytes of that once compiled and loaded

(purely reading sensor, example doesn’t connect to LoRa or BLE)

Ouch !!! That’s taken a bit of the shine off the latest wonder chip. I was going to get worried if it was less than 64k but 30k is a shocker.

I think that depends on the quality of the compiler :wink:

(and the optimised sensor librarys they make available :innocent: )

Sure…but with the bandwidth being sooooo low we need to be very smart in the way in which we make use of it…especially since our site survey seem to suggest that 980bps will be the best we can get out of our link. Oh well, it’s a challenge - would be boring if you’d said 1MB !


Hi from Laird :slight_smile:
If you have any questions or comments I’ll be sure to help out if I can.


Hi and thank you !

( Laird devkits with a nice ‘TTN club’ discount :wink: , that’s a win / win )

Oupssss 30k ? depends on what are already in in term of lib and what we need to code :wink:
And what about RAM ?

But Laird guys have plenty of fun :slight_smile: look below on github

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Hi @BWhitten!
While discounts as BoRRoZ suggested would be awesome, I think it would help the TTN community tremendously if you’d publish sample code that already works with TTN out-of-the-box (minus replacing the keys).

isn’t 30k plenty of space considering the lorawan stack is already implemented? so it’s 30k only for application code if I understand it correctly

Depends on what you are up to…I’m guessing that some people will be performing some significant signal processing/conditioning of signals at regular intervals and then pushing a go/no-go up to their servers.