Extracting Data from TTN to my Server

iā€™m running a TTN server in my localhost, i wonna know if it works as a region cause iā€™m running my own router and not connected to the ttn-handler-eu anymore.

This is my router info :
id: mynetwork-router
tls: true
key-dir: router/
ttn-account-v2: ā€œhttps://account.thethingsnetwork.orgā€

discovery-address: ā€œlocalhost:1900ā€
auth-token: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0OTMwMzg2ODAsImlzcyI6ImxvY2FsIiwibmJmIjoxNDkzMDM4NjgwLCJzdWIiOiJteW5ldHdvcmstcm91dGVyIiwidHlwZSI6InJvdXRlci$

server-address-announce: localhost
skip-verify-gateway-token: true


Iā€™m sorry, I was referring to extracting data from TTN to your server, but using a TTN router. Iā€™m not sure of how to help you with that, Iā€™m also relatively new with LoRaWAN.

If anyone knows the answer Iā€™d also like to know how to do it :grin:



Can you help me how can I get the Gateway EUI ?

Actually I want to register my Gateway on TTN but unable to find the EUI. I have gone through all the manuals and user guide.

Please Help.
And thanks for your previous help, now Iā€™m able to extract data from TTN.


Is there any option to send my data as acknowledgement to LoraModules?

I am using my own server which is getting data regularly from TTN. So I want to send a command(data) to my Lora Devices through TTN. If I use TTN Console I can easily send confirmed message to specific device, is there an API provides this facility so that I can send data from my server?


  1. Sorry for that long time, I didnā€™t have Internet access. Iā€™m not quite sure of where did I find the EUI, Iā€™m going to take a look to see if I find it so I can help you, that shouldnā€™t be a problem I hopeā€¦

  2. Yes, I think thereā€™s a way to do that, but it may not be recommendable to send many downlink messages from your server (using TTN) to your nodes.

According to https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/LoRaWAN/Limitations:

Downlink messages should be avoided if possible, and if you send downlink, keep the payload small

However, what client are you using in your server?


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meet Celia :blush:

Hi celiagarridoh,

I did not understand your term ā€˜Clientā€™. I just want to send data to one of my Lora Device through TTN from my server.

How did you implement your server? For example, I used the Node.js client library for that, taking a look at the library youā€™ll see how to send downlink messages, am I right?


I have implemented HTTP integration in my application. But the only thing I want to use from this integration is to schedule downlink messages to my devices.

Can you please help what do I need to enter in the fields such as
Process ID: As far as I think, it is user defined.
URL; what would be the endpoint url(I am unable to understand here what does it mean by endpoint url)
Method: POST
Authorization : I guess this is also user defined.

I am a bit confused what is the Endpoint url here.

The main motive for me to use this integration is to independently use this integration and schedule downlink messages to devices, using my own web application.

Continuation from the above question:

I am using the following URL to schedule downlink messages:
I have entered my-app-id/my-process-id and secret key, but in response I always get 502 Bad Gateway/ nginx/1.11.10


I had never tried to implement the HTTP integration, but I tried yesterday to see how it works. As far as I know, youā€™re right, the Process ID is user-defined and the Authorization is optional. However, Iā€™m not sure about the field URL.

I tried what you were trying to do, and I also got the ā€œ502 Bad Gatewayā€ error. Then, I tried to use the URL of a Channel I created some months ago in ThingSpeak (https://thingspeak.com/), and it sends data from TTN to Thingspeak via HTTP (however, you were interested in downlink). Finally I tried to introduce the IP address of a server I created (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/) in the URL field and it works, I receive a JSON from TTN and I suppose that sending downlink data to end-devices would not be a problem.

Iā€™m also starting with TTN and so on, I hope these options can help you. Anyway, Iā€™m sure some other people know the answer :wink:


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Hi again, this tool may be useful for inspecting your HTTP requests:



Thanks @celiagarridoh, just received the json data at my server using the step you had provided. The json data included the downlink url which is working perfectly to send downlink data. Great help ! :slight_smile:

Hi, anything about Gatewayā€™s Device EUI??


Try this: Ic880a concentrator with Raspberry pi Gateway




Can we change the operational frequency of RN2903 Lora Module?
As of now its being operated on 868 Mhz and in India this band is not licence free. TTN says it works on 865-867 Mhz but my module frequency does not change?
Any help

Iā€™ve never used this module, but as far as I know it operates in the 915 MHz frequency band, doesnā€™t it?


Iā€™m sorry that I canā€™t help you.


Hi Celiagarridoh ,

Any idea if TTN supports 2 different Ports for uplink and downlink?
Currently it allows 1700 port on the Gateway to uplink and downlink. Can we change downlink port other than 1700?

What is the benefit of separating these function to different ports?


I donā€™t believe you can.Review: RN2903 AU firmware
