A presentation on TTN (The Things Network) and a TTN Korea Community

Hoon Park

The Things Network User

Posted on 31-08-2016

A presentation on 'TTN and a TTN Korea Community' was made at an IoT Korea Meetup in Seoul, Korea on Aug. 30, 2016.

You can see the presentation slides here ( https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EPD0pLzB_RxWXLzLFy3hXBSxuNjb1rKseF_r4ll9mGI/edit?usp=sharing ).

You can also see the event details on the IoT Korea Meetup here ( http://www.meetup.com/Internet-of-Things-Korea-Meetup/events/233465687/ )

2016년 8월 30일 IoT Korea Meetup에서 'TTN과 TTN Korea Community'에 관한 발표가 있었습니다.

발표에 사용한 Presentation Slide들은 여기 (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EPD0pLzB_RxWXLzLFy3hXBSxuNjb1rKseF_r4ll9mGI/edit?usp=sharing)에서 보실 수 있습니다.

IoT Korea Meetup 이벤트에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기 (http://www.meetup.com/Internet-of-Things-Korea-Meetup/events/233465687/)에서 보실 수 있습니다.