Smart Liveable Neighbourhoods Challenge

Tom Boyle

The Things Network User

Posted on 13-09-2018

Smart, Liveable Neighbourhoods Challenge – Build Your Internet of Things (IoT) Idea and Win

Hi everyone, at the last meet up of Newcastle IoT Pioneers, I invited people on behalf of Lake Macquarie City Council to participate in our Smart Liveable Neighbourhoods Challenge. This is Council's first venture into supporting local makers and IoT pioneers, off the back of a larger project supported by the Federal Government and in partnership with the University of Technology Sydney, and IoT provider Meshed.

The following call-out is copied from Council's website.

We hope you find this challenge of interest, as we begin exploring together what IoT means for Lake Macquarie.

Calling all tech and design pioneers! Council has installed two long range wide area network (LoRaWAN) gateways at Charlestown and Speers Point that allow people to wirelessly connect ‘things’ over short and long distances. We want the community to use this great new resource, and we’re reaching out to the community to help.

We want to count people using our community facilities, like playgrounds and dog parks,to understand how these spaces are used to help us with maintenance, emptying bins and generally ensuring great facilities. We may even publish live data so people can see when those places are less busy.

How can we introduce people counting at our public amenities blocks? If we know when they are used, we can optimise cleaning schedules and ensure they’re always clean and pleasant.

Can we use LoRaWAN devices to help make community sport more practical or fun? Maybe an automatic scoring system? Or a fun training game?

Can you mix art and tech to create something playful and interactive for our public spaces?

What would you use a LoRaWAN device for at home? Would it help your garden grow? Maybe it monitors wildlife? Or perhaps you want to monitor local air quality?

Register by 14 September or find out more.
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