New Gateway Outside Newcastle

Martin Timms

The Things Network User

Posted on 31-01-2018

Hi All,
I have installed a TTN LoRaWAN gateway on a hill (165m above sea level) at Newton along the A69 on the way to Hexham with an external antenna. The antenna has good views looking East along the Tyne Valley towards Gateshead/Newcastle and across the valley to Prudhoe. It should hopefully cover parts of the A69 route.

The gateway will be kept running 24/7 as near as possible.

[The internet backhaul is actually a line-of sight 15mile broadband WiMax link back to the data centre at Scotswood Road..]

I have tested against local SODAQONE and ESP32 Heltec modules and have packets passing to the TTN server and being decoded. The gateway only arrived on Monday, so just getting up to speed on the possibilities with these devices and the network..

[Note that the gateway appears on the TTN global map, but not on the community map, as the TTN server software assumes a 10km radius around each community mid point.]

Best Regards,
Martin Timms
Electrozest Limited