Starting the ball rolling in Teignbridge


The Things Network User

Posted on 05-09-2017

As a brief first post I'd just like to jot down my first steps into LoraWAN

1) Parts for a IMST iC880A LoraWAN concentrator have arrived
2) Backplane board (+2 for spares) from tindie arrived and soldered
3) RaspberryPi3 attached - knew one of the many I have would come useful at some point :)

Next steps :-
4) Image install
5) Installation
6) Test build of one of the LoRaWAN enabled client devices.

Once in place and tested I'll move onto drumming up further support in the area including mapping out where the best locations for further gateways for full coverage would be for the area (out with the maps).

If you're in the area, and interested in want I'm/we are doing or even want to help, get in touch.
