News for Q1 2021

Mike Beardmore

Helping spread the good news of TTN

Posted on 25-03-2021

V2 to V3 Migration

Over the next few months a major upgrade to The Things Network will be completed. This is known in the community as moving from V2 to V3 Stack. The community network and all private instances will be migrated. A major feature of this change will be 'peering'. Simply put this will enable the routing of messages from the Community public network to and from the private ones. There are other improvements such as geolocation without needing gps; the support of newer, more secure, transport of data over the Internet; support for certification and bulk key distribution.

This is great news and will include the SmartBerks network. Work has already started on the migation and I will post more news shortly. The new services and the progress that TTN Community and Partners have made in the last year make it a great opportunity to deploy new devices around Wokingham. Any contacts or suggestions as to how to speed this spread of projects is welcomed.

If you have suggestions or questions, please get in touch. Thanks for your attention, Mike