Can application non-owners subscribe their devices?

Hello to all,

can someone who is not the owner/creator/admin of an application subscribe a device for such ?
I have started an application where likely many users want to subscribe their devices but shall they all be included as owners or similar or can the application be declared “open” when it comes to subscription of devices ?


Anyone adding a device to an application needs to be able to access the application. However you could use your own front-end that performs API calls to TTN to register the devices. That does require you run your own website with scripting capabilities and requires some programming.

Yes, thank you, I suspected I need to use own front end registration service.
But in general, would it pose any risk to expose an application to allow anybody register a device ?
Would it be a security risk ?
At least it appears it would be useful and would simplify the usage of the system.


You certainly can add multiple collaborators to an application but that would allow them to change things for other peoples devices and, if there’s too many of them, become rather unwieldy.

Yes, we are three already, and this works fine.

Anyway, I would propose to TTN that a given application can be open for anybody to register a device.
This feature would be failry useful I believe.

And another proposal: create a unified method to report position for those applications which carry position data, like unified names for Latitude/Longitude/Alitude so one could easily produce range and coverage plots.


TTN already provides several means for what you want?

  • Ask your users to configure the HTTP Integration, and provide a URL that they can use.

  • Ask your users to generate an access key for your service, and somehow make them enter their application ID and that access key in your service.

  • Use TTN’s OAuth authorization to have users allow your service to access a list of their TTN applications, and then have them select one to use with your services. (Much like TTN Mapper does.)

  • Talk to TTI to create an integration for TTN Console.

Thank you, it still sounds like black magic, but I will have a look at these possibilities.
It all boils down to the user registering EUI of a device and getting in return an application key which needs to be stored in the device for communication with LoRaWAN.


Are you saying that this would be needed for people using your service?

To make life easier for your users:

With this, users could enter all OTAA details (DevEUI, AppEUI and secret AppKey), without bothering about TTN Console at all. If you expect (or: allow*) people to use TTN Console themselves, then the options I gave may also work, even when also using the above. But I would never expect/force users to reprogram their device to use your service, if that’s what you have in mind?

Knowing what service you’re thinking about and how you set it up, may make this discussion less theoretical. If you’re currently using the HTTP Integration to get your data from your TTN application into your service, then handing out a URL to others to use with their own TTN application would really be easily implemented? If you’re currently using MQTT then also subscribing to events of other users would be a bit more complicated, but even then it may be easy to add an HTTP endpoint to your service and ask others to use that with the HTTP Integration in their TTN application. If you’re using some third-party integration then indeed the devices should probably be registered to your TTN application using the API.

*) I myself very much like to be able to see what my devices are doing, using TTN Console or MQTT, regardless what other service I may be using too. Also great for debugging, for advanced users.