Does exist a Python library to send package with a Raspberry to TTN

Good day,

Until now, I created node with LMCI.
I have to use Python to get some measure and as I going to report this work to a Pycom Lopy (Python), I would like to complete my test on my Raspberry Zero with Python.

Then I wonder, if you can recommand me a Python library to send packages to TTN from my Raspberry?

Does it exist for Raspberry?

Note: I have this LoRaWAN hat for my raspberry which work fine with LMIC

Many thank

Hi @pierrot10, I build systems using RPi computers and TTN for “edge computing”. I use LoRaWAN devices from IMST (iM880B) and RisingHF (RHF3M076). The RPi communicates with these LoRaWAN devices using serial interfaces; UART or USB. The serial protocol APIs are different for each device; HCI for the IMST device and “AT commands” for the RisingHF device.

There is no standard across all devices that I am aware of. I use the python pyserial and pexpect modules for the low-level interface and I use the binascii module for encoding/decoding between binary and hex that is needed for the ASCII AT interface.

Personally I find the combination of pexpect and the AT command interface much easier to use so most of my work has been on AT systems. If anyone else has a better solution then I would love to hear it!


I believe you could use any software that works with RFM95. It’s likely that you need to adjust the pin settings in the code to match the board. See the documentation about it or ask the vendor.