Dragino LPS8 LoRa gateway communication to Things Stack V3

I am working on the LoRa communication with Things Stack. I have an ESP32 TTGO board that is programmed. LPS8 gateway is receiving data from the ESP32 but the data is not showing on the Things Stack. It only shows for the first time and disappears. is there any issue with the MAC version of the ESP32 board ? or any other issue?

I am stuck on this point. It was working perfectly with the TTN V2 server but I was using the Sparkfun single-channel Lora gateway. I haven’t had any issue with transmission from the gateway to the TTN server. Any idea what is happening with LPS8 gateway transmission with Things Stack. Thanks in advance.

Did you programmed the ESP32 to use the complete frequency plan after you changed from SCPF to the LPS8?

Yes i did, but still not showing data to the things stack

…and updated Rx window timings?