How do I delete an application?

Habe eine Application erstellt und hatte keine Integration, jetzt habe ich zwei Applicationen ohne Integration, wie lösche ich diese?

By universal agreement, this forum is English - even if via Google Translate - if you’ve been looking at the forum you’ll have seen it is all in English.

Please can you repost or edit your post.

PS, you have to add an integration if you want one, they don’t come automatically so once you’ve deleted them, creating a new application still won’t get you an integration - you’ll find the documentation answers many questions - linked bottom right of every page of the console.

“code”: 9,
“message”: “error:pkg/identityserver:application_has_devices (application still has 3 devices)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/identityserver”,
“name”: “application_has_devices”,
“message_format”: “application still has {count} devices”,
“attributes”: {
“count”: 3
“correlation_id”: “3c151725985b43a1a577555818bb3822”,
“code”: 9

Poor formatting aside, what is this?

Try editing your post, use the </> and then tell us more.

When I want to delete the application it says there are 3 devices.

I think that previously to delete the Application object from TTN, you must clear all end-devices that are attached to this APP.
