Kerlink IFemtocell Packet loss

Do you follow the forum on a regular basis? If so you will have noticed several messages concerning capacity issues for the EU region when it comes to UDP based connections. (That includes TTIG because of the UDP bridge it uses)
If not, did you check the TTN status page? That lists performance issues with the UDP based Gateway API as well.

Bottom line, the community network in Europe can’t handle the load when it comes to UDP connected gateways.

That was my suspicion, thank you for clarification. That´s even worse as the semtech PF does not use the PUSH_ACK for retransmission.

But what can we do to make things reliable as possible?

a) Send all kerlink gateways back until they preset a new Packet forwarder ?
b) Ask TTI for a professional account (Possibly with similar issues on UDP?)?
c) Skip TTN and use another platform?
d) Install a different SPF on the iFemtoCell? But which one, the TTN forwarder is a.f.a.i.k not supported?!?

We see, that the loss rates are a bit lower on the TTN Gateway, but the TTIG performs very similar to the SPF. Does TTIG also use UDP? Thank you for your advice.

Found some documentation of the different options here:

For the iFemtocell there is the old SPF (Keros 3.4.5) and the CPF (Keros 4.0.4) als installation packets available. While Kerlink had some confusion about their hardware versions we could install both versions on the lates iFemtocells.

Now we can confirm, that the CPF is working together with TTN. The difference is not that big, but CPF can retransmit packets if no PUSH_ACK is received. This does not eleminate Packet loss, but reduces the loss.

Addendum: There are still some serious issues with the current CPF connection to TTN.

The old SPF could handle connection changes properly. See:, changelog v1.4.0 - 2014-10-16 optional auto-quit. More dteails › lora › lora_part30

The feature does not work on UDP-connections anymore, so CPF may stop and needs to be restarted manually (Happened to me every 2-3 days).