Lostik and The Things Indoor Gateway


I am using a Ronoth Lostik with the module RN2483.
I set up a Things Indoor Gateway and an application.
Everytime I am sending a join request with corresponding appkey and appeui, I see the join request and accept.
But my terminal for the Lostik tells me a denied. If I want to send data, I get the message ‘not_joined’.
What could be the problem? Did anyone else face this issue?

Kind regards

I considered buying one of these. I would suggest looking at the Ronoth website, but when I do, I see no text, just images. I commented on this in Amazon and the response I got was that ‘others’ had this problem also. I just took a screenshot of the website. Is there a way to share that here?

Apparently it’s an RN2483 hiding behind a CH340 USB serial interface.

So probably any issue is in the python code that operates the module; should be something fixable but would require some debugging effort grounded in understanding of that module.

What spreading factor are you using? (The right answer is SF7)
And what is the distance between the lostik and the gateway? (The right answer is at least 3 meter)

@kersing Thank you so much!
Those were there right questions. I did not check the SF. It was sending with SF 12. I adapted it to SF 7 and it worked.

Is it mandatory to join the TTIG with SF7?
I thought a join may be send with any data rate.

A join may use any data rate, but for close proximity SF7 is the best choice as it uses the least airtime. For the LoRaWAN module on lostick you need to avoid SF12 as there are known issues with it.

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