Multicast Class C (RN2483 The Things UNO)


I was tried multicast downlink schedule with using these tools

  1. end-node RN2483 (firmware version 1.0.5) (The Things UNO)
  2. Using TTN V3
  3. I created the multicast device using TTN CLI (ttn-lw-cli) and the command is
    ttn-lw-cli end-devices create app1 mc1
    –frequency-plan-id EU_863_870
    –lorawan-version 1.0.3
    –lorawan-phy-version 1.0.3-a
    – xxxxx
    – xxxxxxxxx
    –session.keys.nwk-s-key.key xxxxxxxxx
  4. create physical device 2 with same dev_addr, nwkSkey, appSkey
  5. downlink schedule by using ttn-lw-cli

but didn’t reach downlink to the end-node side please tell how to implement multicast and TheThingsNetwork.h library support multicast or not? if it is work tell how to use it.

Does the library allow you to specify a multicast key?
If it does not and there are no references to multicast support in the code it will not support class C and multicast.

Thank you sir,

I am new learner in Lorawan technology.

can please tell me which library and which end-node use for multicast. I was searched in google but I didn’t get correct information.

can provide the reference links for multicast sir.

If you did not find anything you need to google more. Start looking for lora-mac.

thank you sir, ok

thank you sir, I got reference link from google.