Network architecture, large number of servers

There is code for setting up an own server, along with instructions.

When I can set up a server myself using the software and building blocks provided by The Things Network, will I then get access to the data generated by the 10 active gateways? And what if there will be more gateways in the future?

And what if there are more people doing the same? Will the gateways be functioning when a few 100s of servers ask them for their data all the time? This could easily result in each gateway being “hammered” by multiple servers all the time, for which a relatively lightweight network appliance like a gateway is not equipped.

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The instructions are not yet available, but they will be shortly. We are still working on the initial implementation of the router and handler.

If you set up your own router, you have your router address set up in the gateways from which you want to receive data. The gateway owners (which could also be you) configure their gateways since it is their internet connection.

The routers send the data to handlers that are application-specific. You can set up a handler for your own application, or set up a handler as a service for application developers. The handler is also open source. The Things Network will provide a default hosted solution too.