No JoinAccept and Accept Join-Request with different nodes

EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE: no JoinAccept Googling didn’t solve the problem so i’m repeating old question: what to do in this case? This time is maybe slightly different circumstances.

This tuesday one of my DIY node (RFM95, Arduino Mega Core, LMIC mcci-catena v4.1.0) and all Microclimate devices stopped to joining. More or less at the same time. All other nodes works fine all the time.
Is this only coincidence or is there any same reason of failure of mentioned devices?

Next question is how to effectively approach to debug such an error? Timing and wrong pin connection or mapping is usual reason, but in this case I’m dealing with different nodes from Mclimate (Vicki and AQI). Even if I made a mistake at DIY node, I couldn’t made this with other Mclimate nodes. I didn’t make any firmware upgrade. They just stopped to join. As long as I know, TTN made an upgrade this week. Could be this upgrade the reason? I’m running out of ideas … :frowning:

BTW: I have two different GWs in the house, level of signal is high and other nodes work fine

Thank You!

Do you see join requests being sent up through those gateways? Do you see join accepts being sent back down?

Where your nodes registered with TTN v2 or v3 hopefully not both

And if they were on v2, just swap the last two characters of the AppKey, don’t do a delete (yet).

It’s difficult to say 100%, but it looks “The Things Network Maintenance - Upgrade to The Things Network v3.15.2 - 25 October 2021” mail from today has made my day.
After 18/10 around 9.30 all my Mclimate and one DIY node were dead. Today, on 25/10 at 10.02 came back misteriously. Without single action from my side.
All nodes are in v3 only as well as GWs, too. Thank you for your hints, anyway.