The WORKBENCH part 1

Yip Corona is a necessity… :stuck_out_tongue:

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A nice article on increasing refresh rate of the waveshare display:

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objective is to mount it on a RPI zero (gw) … after I understand :roll_eyes:

what about this … :heart_eyes:






Really? Do I need to change GW Shield to have holes to fix this display that I love so much :wink:

PS : Take care that 2 SPI devices on same SPI bus with 2 different process may cause trouble (both process accessing SPI bus at the same time). I do not know if Debian has a kind of build in semaphore to prevent this to happen?

LOL… no I wasn’t talking about a gateway display so you don’t have to design a new PCB :rofl:

(but technically it’s possible to control 2 spi devices on one bus… but that’s another story)

woke up with an idea this morning :

create an (esp) webserver that transmits a webpage with the TTN’s gateway UART debug data, so you can check on a browser (phone/laptop ) the uart output messages wireless.

just a little tool that you plugin the TTN gateway and it works.
but I realize that the TTN gateway power supply is possibly not strong enough ?

a serial to wifi bridge, any input / ideas very welcome :sunglasses:

---------------------- HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND ------------------------------

And this one with a browser terminal interface

we want only to remotely read out the gateway’s uart debug messages in a browser and no programming on the gateway’s side :roll_eyes:

Yes got it, that what’s it basic does :wink:

got it to … I put it in the hackable usefull list tnx Charles :wink:

  • what do ya think… is it feasable ?

For sure, I’ve updated the repository

  • put in the sketch your SSID/PASSWORD here

  • Select correct Flash size from Arduino IDE (example for a WeMos) usually (4M / 1M SPIFFS)

  • just flash the SPIFFS file system from Arduino IDE (contains webserver) to ESP8266 (From Tools ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload, see pictures above)

  • then just flash the sketch above with classic upload button

  • once flashed connect TTN GW TX to ESP8266 RX (GPIO3)

  • connect to http:/your_ESP_IP/ then on terminal type connect

  • take care serial port used for upload is the same so to update firmware of ESP8266 so you have 3 choices:

    • you need to remove TTN GW TX when flashing
    • use OTA to update
    • connect TTN TX pin to GPIO13 and use swap to swap serial pins

Picture does not show data because I have not connected GW to ESP8266 so it’s empty
Have fun

wow a complete tutorial… great tnx Charles… I’ll try later today :sunglasses:

oh no, far from complete :wink:



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waited over a month for some new knobs… they are here but still not happy :sunglasses:

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found another nice indoor ridgid blue node enclosure

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merci @Charles


You’re welcome,
Took 3 days coming from France to NL with 1€ basic post enveloppe, not bad at all :wink:
Have fun

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Wondering how to get accurate UV and lux measurements from a sensor, while still protecting the electronics :thinking: A piece of glass would be the obvious thought, but glass is pretty good at blocking UV.

Started thinking about using flexible TPU to print a “snug” case for the sensors themselves - needs some alignment still but I can see how you might want to assemble most of the case internals like this. (I don’t think it’ll provide much environmental protection tho).

How do other folks do this?
