Your thoughts on how to scale using TTN

I am working at a large construction company and has performed a number of quite succesful pilots with IoT utilizing TTN. I have set up an application in TTN for each construction project I have targete,added a payload decode function and the data storage integration. Finally I have fetched the data into Azure through the API on the data storage integration and vizualized it using Power BI.
I am approaching the point where I need to scale this up and would like to hear some thoughts on how to do this. We are constantly running around 500 projects and there will be a need for different sensors with different payloads on each project. Setting up an application in TTN for each project/sensor brand and setting up integrations for each application will not be feasible.
All ideas are appreciated!

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Not sure exactly what you need, however did you look at the APIs? These is some call for managing applications, which could be useful in your case (by integrating them with some project deployment frontend developed ad-hoc).

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