#! /bin/bash # Test the connection, wait if needed. while [[ $(ping -c1 google.com 2>&1 | grep " 0% packet loss") == "" ]]; do echo "[TTN Gateway]: Waiting for internet connection..." sleep 30 done # If there's a remote config, try to update it if [ -d ../gateway-remote-config ]; then # First pull from the repo pushd ../gateway-remote-config/ git pull git reset --hard popd # And then try to refresh the gateway EUI and re-link local_conf.json # Same eth0/wlan0 fallback as on install.sh GATEWAY_EUI_NIC="eth0" if [[ `grep "$GATEWAY_EUI_NIC" /proc/net/dev` == "" ]]; then GATEWAY_EUI_NIC="wlan0" fi if [[ `grep "$GATEWAY_EUI_NIC" /proc/net/dev` == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: No network interface found. Cannot set gateway ID." exit 1 fi GATEWAY_EUI=$(ip link show $GATEWAY_EUI_NIC | awk '/ether/ {print $2}' | awk -F\: '{print $1$2$3"FFFE"$4$5$6}') GATEWAY_EUI=${GATEWAY_EUI^^} # toupper echo "[TTN Gateway]: Use Gateway EUI $GATEWAY_EUI based on $GATEWAY_EUI_NIC" INSTALL_DIR="/opt/ttn-gateway" LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE=$INSTALL_DIR/bin/local_conf.json if [ -e $LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE ]; then rm $LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE; fi; ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/gateway-remote-config/$GATEWAY_EUI.json $LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE fi # Fire up the forwarder. ./poly_pkt_fwd