Syros goes IoT!

Dimitris Mamalis

The Things Network User

Posted on 18-08-2016

Hello World!

Although our community has been set up for more than a week, we thought it would be nice to wait before we get something up. Now that our first TTN gateway is up and running, not yet in the best location but we are working on it, it's time to talk about the place and our mission.

Why Syros?

Firstly because we love the Island! But let's not get sentimental!

Syros stands in the middle of an archipelago of 25 inhabited islands and about 200 uninhabited islets. Hermoupolis is the capital city of the region and apart from its 13.000 inhabitants it's also the host of a long tradition in industrial innovation on trading, telecommunications, shipping and many more sectors.

The island has some ancient roots dating back in the prehistoric era but it really flourished during the beginning of the 19th century giving the city its extraordinary wealth and power. But there is more than stories of the past...

The City

Today, Hermoupolis is one of the best preserved neoclassical cities of the Mediterranean Sea, with more than 1200 heritage buildings. The industrial legacy is still preserved and is now looking towards the future through the [Product and System Design Engineering][df1] department. The city is surrounded by multiple sites of agricultural, industrial, heritage and touristic interest all shouting out loud for technological innovation. The landscape itself makes it hard for the IoT to take the lead. This where the TTN mission comes in hand!

The Mission

We decided to roll out LoRa in Syros to offer a boost on the IoT development. We hope to monitor heritage buildings, support naval traffic applications, offer a SmartCity experience, involve in the agricultural advancement or anything that comes up!

We aim high! We want to cover every corner of the city. We want to cover the hilly outskirts. We even want to set up wireless links to the neighboring islands on distances of up to 30Km!

The challenges are set:

  • a city full of thick impenetrable stone mansions
  • a hilly terrain with hidden valleys
  • multiple remote places with no data network coverage or even no power grid
  • open sea weather conditions
  • long distance links

If you are up for it, join our community and follow us!

[df1]: <http:"" en.aspx="">