New gateway in Hirvivaara

Iivantiira Village Association

The Things Network User

Posted on 01-02-2021

Since NOSTE village network construction project, the village had a fiber cable which reached the terrestrial in Hirvivaara. It was a rather tempting idea to make use of this resource and to promote cooperation with the regional tele operator.

Kaisanet Oy is a telecom which takes social responsibility. The company offered Iivantiira village association the possibility of installing a LoRa gateway high up in their terrestrial. The village network cooperative of north-western Kuhmo installed a fiber connection, and Sähkö-Onni - an electricity and antenna contractor from Suomussalmi - brought the data packet forwarding device high up in the terrestrial.

Many thanks to Kaisanet Oy for friendly cooperation. This contribution begs the question: Can the village association find other telecom friends operating in the southern parts of the village?