Speaking about TTN at SECURITY BSIDES ORLANDO 2018

Bryan Smith

The Things Network User

Posted on 28-03-2018

Bryan Smith from TTN Orlando will be speaking at Bsides 2018. The title of the talk is. "The Things Network: IoT for fun and profit"

In the session we’ll discuss:

The technology behind Lorawan, The Things Network and other similar networks.
TTN’s impact on public and private LPWANs.
Security implications of community initiated LPWANs.
The initiators and communities that install and build Lorawan gateways.
Lastly we’ll discuss the impact of the deployments in real world use cases.

There will also be a live demo of a Lorawan gateway and node in action on several public networks including The Things Network as well as others.

If you're in the Orlando area please attend SECURITY BSIDES ORLANDO 2018: