Notes from 4th November Meeting

Steve Jubb

The Things Network User

Posted on 03-12-2019

Thanks to everyone that attended at one of our new venues, Electric Works, and thanks to them for hosting.
Present where: Steve Jubb, Stuart Murphy, Graham Turnbull, Phil Raynor, Tim Latham, Matt Proctor, Richard King, Alex Kelly, Simon Nieder.

Gateway Installation
The work to install the four additional gateways on University of Sheffield sites is underway with the jobs raised and with Estates.
SJ has to arrange for purchase of a more compact antenna for the installation at Arup and for a contractor to make permanent the installation at Tinsley Bridge.
SJ to follow up with SHU concerning the conversion of the Things Connected gateway on the Owen Building.
SM will be installing gateways to support his business operations at Tankersley but these will be open for Things Network use.

Use Cases
Converstaion took place about possible use cases and continue mapping of the network coverage which SJ is leading on with support from others as mapping nodes are made available.
The main piece of work is the conversion of the Luftdaten air quality sensors to use TTN rather than Wi-Fi. SN offered to assist in prototyping the hardware conversion required.

The meeting concluded at 6 PM.