Gateway Migration to Stack
By Steve Jubb
4 August 2022At last... the network of gateways that were installed under the banner of University of Sheffield's Urban Flows Observatory are being reconfigured t…
Things Network Sheffield aims to create a community owned and operated LoRaWAN network in Sheffield, covering the city centre, and as many local neighborhoods as we can.
Through the support of the communities developed by Sheffield Digital and the SmartSheffield meetup, and via the two Sheffield universities, Shefield College and the private firms listed below, we also aim to educate and develop Sheffield's capacity for creating new applications and user experiences using the network.
Who's behind Things Network Sheffield?
The Things Network Sheffield was originally founded in 2016 by Scott Knowles of ObjectForm and Kurtis Wright of Sheffield Community Technologies.
Since the Spring of 2017, however, it has been organised by Chris Dymond of Sheffield Digital and Unfolding, with meetings held in conjunction with the bi-monthly SmartSheffield meetup. This provides for regular meetings and communications, with community members taking on the coordination of specific initiatives. See the most recent meeting write-ups for more info on this.
How do I partiocipate?
The community's main communications tool is the #internetofthings channel on the Sheffield Digital Slack. To join please fill out this short form and you will be receive an invitation. Once a member of the Slack community, you can join the #internetofthings channel by selecting it in the main channel list.
You can also make contact via twitter @ThingsSHF
You should also make sure your email address is on the mailing list so you recieve meeting invitations, etc. Email Chris to let him know.
(Header image cc Hubs Tilt Shift by Dave Gibbs)
Things Network Sheffield aims to create a community owned and operated LoRaWAN network in Sheffield, covering the city centre, and as many local neighborhoods as we can.
Through the support of the communities developed by Sheffield Digital and the SmartSheffield meetup, and via the two Sheffield universities, Shefield College and the private firms listed below, we also aim to educate and develop …
Official community
And 53 contributors.
Show allAt last... the network of gateways that were installed under the banner of University of Sheffield's Urban Flows Observatory are being reconfigured t…
At the meetup on Monday we agreed that that we should work together to get the network of 150 particulate/air quality monitors onto the Lora/Thin…
For our next meeting, to be held at Electric Works, I'd like to focus on 'where next'? Our gateway network will be installed by the end of March and …
Just a quick note to say that I'm looking forward to our first meeting of 2020 tomorrow, which will be held at Sheffield Hallam University's Cantor B…
Thanks to everyone that attended at one of our new venues, Electric Works, and thanks to them for hosting.
Present where: Steve Jubb, Stuart Murphy, …
Welcome and Introductions:
Steve Jubb (SJ) opened the meeting and invited intros from everyone.
• Steve Jubb – Technical Manager, Urban …
Welcome and Introductions:
Steve Jubb (SJ) opened the meeting explaining that he has now taken over the leadership role of the group and invited intr…
Our next meeting will be at The Diamond Building in the The MindSphere Lounge at 5 PM (Wed 2nd Oct).
We'll be catching up on progress regarding the r…
Chair Dr Geraint Jones (GJ) introduced himself a…
TTN Community meeting Monday 16th April 2018
Venue: Sheffield Hallam University
Things Network Sheffield are teaming up with Sheffield Hardware Hackers and Makers to run a series of Smart City hacks at the Sheffield Hackspace at …
Meeting held at Arup on 19th February 2018
Meeting held at Arup on 19th February 2018
We held what was actually the fourth(!) meeting of the Things Network Sheffield community on Monday the 4th December, prior to the SmartSheffield mee…
We held the first proper meeting of the Things Network Sheffield (TNS) community on Wednesday 31st May at the Electric Works, very kindly hosted & ca…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
rog77 is now part of Sheffield community
There is a new published community nearby (Knutsford)
Steve Jubb posted an update in The Things Network Sheffield: "Gateway Migration to Stack"
The Things Network Sheffield got its 50th member
The Things Network Sheffield organizes a Meetup on 2 September
The community's main communications tools are the following:
- The contributors list on this page. By joining you will be kept informed of new meetings and activity.
- The #internetofthings channel on the Sheffield Digital Slack (we use this local Slack rather than the global TTN Slack, although you can by all means join both). To join please fill out this short form and you will be receive an invitation. Once you are a member of the Sheffield Digital Slack community, you can join the #internetofthings channel by selecting it from the main channel list.
You can also make contact via twitter: @ThingsSHF