573km, 648km and 650km - is this real ? TTN Lora distance records?

hi @elidee thank you for your additions to my previous post. I got carried away in my enthusiasm for these phenomena’s that I lost eye on the mandatory requirement of having enough headroom in the link budget.

I’ll try to give a different approach from a physics perspective, it might be the reason?

Light can bend, it always travels through the “shortest” path, the speed of propagation is temperature dependent therefore weird temperature inversions and stuff like that can make light do weird trajectories. Radio waves are of course light. Therefore mirages can happen. We all know the movie mirage thing in a desert (hot sand --> hot air in surface), there is also an effect called “fata morgana” which usually is related to bodies of water and temeprature inversions (cold air on the surface of water).

Here in Barcelona we have a beautiful effect. Sometimes, Mallorca island can be seen from Mount Tibidabo yet it is not in line of sight. But, every once in a while, this “fata morgana” effect happens and the island can actually be seen yet not being there (it is further, but the image elevates itself).

Now I wonder, if there was a gateway in Mallorca. Could I connect to it during this fata morgana effect from the top of mount Tibidabo? Maybe that’s the reason a certain beautiful girl was crying in the foothills of mount Tibidabo, just outside Barcelona. She recieved a message from Mallorca :wink: