Arduino Uno + HopeRF RFM95W


If you are looking for an arduino compatible board with an RFM95W builtin check this one:

The schematics is also available here:

It is a very compact board.


Gig, could you elaborate on the details of the changes you have done to make RFM95 to work with the Semtech Stack ?

Anything could be useful in this stage. HopeRF itself not being much helpful and so far other than you, I haven’t found any other people attempting to use the Semtech Stack with RFM95W. When I drop in replace the RFM95 with SX1276, from the probing I am doing with the CRO I can see that radio thinks it sent the join request but nothing leaves the Antenna. I am certain it is a simple hidden point that I am forgetting but I honestly cannot find it no matter how much I look into the problem.

Where is the rfm95w on that board? I don’t see it anywhere on the pictures.


on the other side ? :sunglasses:

Yes, that’s logical. None of the three photos have that showing. But never mind, it’s not important. You probably just have better eyesight than me if you saw it.


uhhhhhhh … no probably NOT :sunglasses:

if I look here it’s not a RFM95 based pcb …

so maybe @luisgonc can explain ?

probably the PCB can hold 2 different radio’s

Well, I haven’t documented everything, so it’s hard to pinpoint what I changed exactly.
Here’s what I did:

  • I use a STM32F405-based board and a RFM95 straight out of eBay
  • I hand-soldered the RFM95 to a perma-proto board. The pins used are ANA, GND, 3.3V, MISO, MOSI, SCK, NSS, DIO0, DIO1, DIO2, DIO3
  • I grabbed the LoRaWan stack from ST’s website (here) because it had drivers for STM32 HAL
  • I used the STM32L476RG-Nucleo End_Node project as a basis, with sx1276mb1mas driver. I modified the drivers to fit my STM32F405 (mostly changes to the RCC and some pins that weren’t available)
  • I simplified some parts of the code, removed things I didn’t use (like the sleep functionalities…). I also added a simple abstraction layer.
  • I changed/hacked EU868 parameters to bypass limitations that got in the way of my tests
  • I completely bypassed SX1276SetRfTxPower(int8_t) to set the TX power by hand, because there was some issues with registers being incorrect and I couldn’t be bothered fixing it properly

I’m sending you the relevant files, maybe they’ll be of some help.

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Hi @BoRRoZ and @kiwiclan,

Yes, Borroz is right the board can hold both radios (one at a time) and is sold in two different variants. One variant is named the Lora Hack - MCHP (with RN2483A) and the other variant is named Lora Hack - HPRF (With Radio RFM95W).

You can find all the photos for the RFM95W variant here:

But if you are looking just for the bottom with the RFM95W check this:




i have connected Arduino Uno + Dragino Lora shield V1.3. using LMIC library i loaded the program in the arduino. But the device which i registered in the Console Application, the Status was Never seen. but my gateway receives encrypted message from Node, but i’m not able to see in the TTN console.
what is the problem? how to fix this problem?

wrong topic / … pls use search for DRAGINO

How do I transmit 8 variables in a single transmission via Lora?

How you do that depends on what software or microcontroller type and libraries you are using to talk to the LoRa device.

There is no one ‘universal’ method.

Got it. I am using an arduino uno to do the communication, but I could not make it work. I’m trying to unpack the data to Thingspeak, but it could be through TTN.
Would you recommend a library?

Are you doing LoRa direct node to node or are you using TTN ?

on the node:

     mydata[0]  = byte(counter >> 8);
     mydata[1]  = byte(counter);
     mydata[2]  = highByte(BattSend);
     mydata[3]  =  lowByte(BattSend);
     mydata[4]  = highByte(SolarSend);
     mydata[5]  =  lowByte(SolarSend);
     mydata[6]  = highByte(temp1_i);
     mydata[7]  =  lowByte(temp1_i);
     mydata[8]  = highByte(hum1_i);
     mydata[9]  =  lowByte(hum1_i);
     mydata[10] = highByte(temp2_i);
     mydata[11] =  lowByte(temp2_i);
     mydata[12] = highByte(hum2_i);
     mydata[13] =  lowByte(hum2_i);
     mydata[14] = highByte(pres1_i);
     mydata[15] =  lowByte(pres1_i); 

on ttn/console (payload formats)

function Decoder(bytes, port) {
  var count      = (bytes[0]  << 8)  | bytes[1];
  var batt       = (bytes[2]  << 8)  | bytes[3];
  var solar      = (bytes[4]  << 8)  | bytes[5];  
  var temp1_x    = (bytes[6]  << 8)  | bytes[7];
  var hum1_x     = (bytes[8]  << 8)  | bytes[9];
  var temp2_x    = (bytes[10] << 8)  | bytes[11];
  var hum2_x     = (bytes[12] << 8)  | bytes[13];
  var pressure   = (bytes[14] << 8)  | bytes[15];

  return {
  A_cnt:        count,
	B_batt:       batt / 100.0,
	C_solar:      solar / 100.0,
  D_Tempin:     (temp1_x / 100.0) -50.0,
  E_Humin:       hum1_x / 100.0,
  F_Tempout:    (temp2_x / 100.0) -50.0,
  G_Humout:      hum2_x / 100.0,
  H_Pressure:    pressure

on your server side you could receive the values via MQTT and send it from there to ThingSpeak

tsclient.updateChannel(channelId, {field1: battery, field2: solar, field3: temp1, field4: humi1, field5: temp2, field6: humi2, field7: press }, function(err, resp) {

hope that helps

Where did you take that example from? Could you share?

Where did you take that example from? Could you share?

it‘s my code and no, not more than I‘ve given
with all that parts you should be able tobuild it on your own.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The BIG and SMALL ANTENNA topic part 2