Big diy SENSOR topic

I just started to test this camera and it works nice. But the output is like this:

[22.00, 23.00, 22.00, 22.25, 22.50, 23.25, 27.00, 26.00,
21.75, 22.00, 22.50, 22.25, 22.00, 23.00, 24.50, 25.75,
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is that not too much data for sending to a gateway?

is water wet ? :wink:
do you really need that resolution transmitted…

this is the output from the demo sketch. it is my idea to use it to measure the plant temperature: detection of diseases, Etc. I have to think about it: maybe I can detect the temperature deviation for some of the pixels to generate an alert (flag =1 or 0). thanks water is wet but ice?

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No and no.

Wet: Cover, touch or soak with liquid.

Water as a liquid can make objects wet but it is not wet itself, neither is ice.
When something wet becomes frozen, the water will become ice.
Ice is not a liquid, so when the water freezes to ice that object state should not be called wet.

However, ice covered with (unfrozen) water is wet, and so is ice covered with alcohol.

So is ice wet? It depends, but at least it can be wet (water cannot). :slightly_smiling_face:

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Okay , thanks. back to my subject. I am playing with the thermal camera AMG8833. The simple sketch produces an array of 64 (8*8) datapoints. It was my idea to calculate an average and send that with a node, but I am not an arduino expert. Has anybody made already such a sketch to send data to a TTN gateway?

maybe its an idea to open a separate topic for that ?
I have seen the libs, think you need a bit of 'local processing ‘power’

This Walabot Starter version uses a three-antenna array to illuminate the area in front of it and sense the returning signals. The signals are produced and recorded by a VYYR2401 A3 System-on-Chip integrated circuit. They are then communicated to a host device (like your phone or computer) using a USB interface, which is implemented using a Cypress controller.

Soil sensor. Since a couple of weeks i work with the Soilwatch10 ( 3V) in combination with the Dragino mini dev. I made calibration ( With the WET sensor) for the volume soil moisture.

I did the search for you :wink:

maybe you want to write a story how to use and what your experiences are ?

I made bad experience with such a moisture sensor from Tindie.
The weak points of these are, that the SMALL side of the board is not sealed and it gets whet under the lackage and it blisters off (in my case after some month!)
Very sad, that the seller take no notice of the problem, nor action to replace it.
So you have to seal it with “tropenlack” to make shure it’s prepared for a long life.

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good results with this kind of sensor right now

Those small soil sensors are pretty poor and only an indication that the soil is wet or dry and wont last very long. To do any serious long term soil moisture monitoring at any depth then you’d need to look at professional sensors from Irrometer, Sentek and others.
They may not be budget sensors, but you get what you pay for,


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At this moment i found this :
PiGI goes TTN - IoT Radiation Monitoring

At this point, 12 PiGI - Raspberry Pi Geiger-Müller Interface nodes are in active deployment at TDRM, helping to monitor the environment independently and so far reliably. Additional 12 nodes are on the current roadmap. That is a great success story and just in the spirit of the idea, development and open-source model of it.

Now the TDRM Working Group at Karel-de-Grote Hogeschool, Campus Hoboken in Antwerp pushed it even further and developed a LoRaWan based TTN (The Things Network) Adapter for the PiGI, to have it connected to the Internet of Things.


open source … open ideas , I like it :sunglasses:

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