Big STM32 boards topic


For the STM32 F103 Version and the Arduino-IDE
Have a look :

I like the Solution from @tomtor :
His Git :

Öhm… We have a Link to Git from BSFRancesolutions?
Here it is :


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Cool! Any more information about your configuration? Blog or Git?

And what is U8g2 ???


That’s Oli Kraus display library

@bingo600 @Nordrunner
I will share it on github somewhere next week (or so), will take some time.

I will make available several ready-to-go Arduino sketches for a basic TTN node based on SX1276/RFM95W module and (optional) OLED I2C display, using Arduino-LMIC and U8g2 libraries.
A separate sketch per MCU/board. Each sketch can be used for both OTAA and ABP activation (configurable at compile time).

This will allow (new) users to get a new TTN node up and running quickly, without first having to deep dive in board specifics, find out which pins to wire to what, and without having to configure ports in the software first. Focus is on quickly getting the basics to work (sketch will only send a basic upstream message). You will only have to select the appropriate sketch for your board/MCU, (de)select any options and enter the required TTN keys/IDs. And when using separate components: wire them as documented in the sketch.

Currently planned: Several AVR ATmega32(U4), ESP8266, ESP32 and STM32 (x-pill) based boards.

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Are you knowing Hiveeyes ?
They are monitoring Bee`s. A great Project!

They are looking for new nodes for transmitting there data`s. The BP was another candidate.

It is german, but feel free to talk in english. It is bilingual.



Nice to see you posting STM32 based stuff. :wink:

Note: Some BME280 modules already have I2C pull-up resistors included (so should be checked first).


Thank you so much :slight_smile::+1:

Looking forward to try it , i already have some rfm95’s
I might have one of those 0.96" SPI oleds in the drawer


Will be I2C displays.

SPI may be possible but more complex as it will possibly compete with the LoRa module for the SPI bus, resulting in LoRaWAN timing issues (LMIC-Arduino is not interrupt-driven). So not worth the hassle (for the €2.50 for a 0.96" I2C OLED display).

Thanks. I didn’t know about them.
What a coincidence: last week I met someone who also wants to monitor his bee’s.

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on my WB i have an 1.8" TFT SPI 128x160 V1.1 Display i want to use.

WB is White Board?
So it now is brown? :wink:


How you programming your nodes? Usb? I wanna use a JLink. For the Blinkexample it goes.

WB = Workbench


USB (DFU) with stm32duino bootloader.
Or use UART with USB to Serial on PA9/PA10.
Haven’t used ST-LINK for sketch yet because I can use USB.

When using stm32duino and USB (DFU), upload sketch via serial or ST-Link will overwrite the stmduino bootloader again.

Are you using PlatformIO?

Not ST-Link. JLink (SEGGER).

Nope. I use Arduino-IDE.

Just curious, are you using the official ST STM32 tools for Arduino and ‘Generic STMF103 series’ for the board (‘STM32 Cores by ST-Microelectronics’)?

In our comunity (little) the Master of Desaster want to use a full? IDE like Visual Studio.

But it stuck some times to create the HAL. We use MATRIX to configure the ground configuration for the BP.

I am NOT a developer! Most of the Things i doesen`t understand.

I want to use the existing codes/sketches and try to adapt them to my needs.

Nope. At my PC (LINUX) i create a own user for fiddeling with MCU at 32 bit. Like the BP or the Feather M0.

I use the code from @tomtor

Installing his code from Git.

The PlatformIO IDE is a plugin for the Atom and Visual Studio Code (vscode) code editors. Run on Windows, Linux and OSX. But probably more difficult if you are not a developer.

Here in the UK I purchased two of the '303 versions from BSFrance and they arrived just two days later! I cloned their github repo and the code built with no errors using Atollic Studio - next step is to add some LoRaWAN code…