Bug in the LMIC code or not? channels and frequencies, transmission strength

Of course, Class A is a must.
What I mean is if the RadioLib supports just Class A or Class A+B+C.

In the examples, I don’t see they set the class yet.
I believe it is just their first attempt on LoRaWAN.

Fields are there in the backend for future support, but we must make sure first that Class A actually works as it should. Constructing on a ruin won’t make the building any good… So please give it a shot and report back on this forum’s RadioLib topic or the GitHub discussions page on your experience :slight_smile:

inaudible mumbling

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Based on that seemingly dismissive statement it is clear you have no clue about the effort involved in creating a standards compliant LoRaWAN stack.

I think it is a valiant effort for a non commercial entity to undertake and applaud it very much. I’ve seen commercial entities which should have spend that amount on their LoRaWAN offerings.


Belief is a powerful thing, so don’t stop believing.

But in the technical realm, some prior research before coming to a conclusion may serve you better.

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Please post any issues you find on GitHub as per prior requests :wink:

There is duty cycle code but I can imagine that the backoff recommendations aren’t in place - which keeps the library on par with pretty much all the other stacks on offer.

When we do put it in, it won’t be Forum Friendly code as people won’t be able to hammer the FUP in to the ground.