Cheapest full Gateway/concentrator options

No it doesn’t. It is called PicoCell as reference to cellular picocell/femtocell, where you put some HW to enhance coverage in some areas - typically office floors. In this case you don’t need to support extreme conditions.

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And that’s exactly why I thought it was a lower range device, I haven’t seen any of the others referred to as PicoCells.

@Epyon: You can put my name on the list, 915MHz version

Have there been any concentrator boards/gateways announced the use the new sx1308 chip?

Is it worth waiting to see?
I’m not in a rush, but only a couple of weeks into using LoRa I’m already seeing the limitations of a single/dual channel gateway.

I got a price for a single board from Rising HF, and with shipping & import tax it’s cheaper for me to get a ic880 board. Obviously the bulk price is far cheaper and makes the Rising HF board the better option, if only we could get them!

I saw this DIY concentrator board, it doesn’t yet work and is for 433MHz, but other than that looked promising.