Device or gateway Repeater

So if this one node is accepting GPS location inputs from many other (local) devices, what are your plans to keep the one TTN connected node, acting as a relay, within the 30 second air time fair access limit ?

I just need to send the information once each half an hour. And if goes out of a geofence limit.

Montana or something, maybe, but last I saw, cattle are herd animals, being almost half a mile apart would be pretty unusual. And you’ll be surprised what a good antenna high up can achieve.

Alternatively, having sown the seed of Googling, you could look at other libraries that do mesh protocols with other radios, including SX1276. There are at least two others.

Dual core 32 bit is going to need some battery. Last I saw, changing the batteries on a cow can get a little fraught. Something very low power would be better, perhaps with a solar top-up.

Nah, I’m good thanks, mesh networks are a whole bag of excitement that I only do once a year.

But here’s some tips from tracking teenagers on expeditions:

  • Data format that records who was in a geographical radius as a cluster, where & at what time, each one holds the same record.
  • Relay the data to any other nodes at every opportunity, but track who you hear & who you’ve sent it to so you don’t waste power sending if you don’t need to.
  • Figure out a plan for your GNSS power budget.
  • Stick “gateways” at obvious locations (not takeaways or shops with confectionary, that only works with teenagers, I’m thinking water or food sources).
  • Gateways positioned where they can relay between each other to the edge to get to the interweb are good.
  • Gateways with backup GSM are good too.
  • Set aside a stupid amount of time with half a dozen friends running around the country side for testing.

One other possibility I have to try out is to put solar powered mini-gateways in a sort of grid / on high ground / in dips, in range of their neighbours and then ditch GNSS and just use RSSI to get an approximation of where the tracked item is - after all, if you’ve got a rough idea down to around 100m where they are, it’s a bit hard to hide a cow. Then the “tracker” on the animal just needs to transmit its ID (briefly) at appropriate intervals.

But this is mostly off-topic for TTN.

How can I register a 32u4 feather device from adafruit on the platform? It appears to me at the activity “never”. How would I solve the problem?

Wise to plan that the node sending the locations into TTN stays within the fair access limit at SF12, in which case you would be limited to a total of 21 transmissions per day.

If there were only 2 animals having packets relayed, that would be 96 packets per day.

I know someone who tried that, not that successful.

The farmer could tell when an animal had dissapeared (been nicked) but by then it was too late.

Same fundamental issue as a car/vehicle…only comes into its own and has value once it’s been stolen…at which point you really do want the tracker to work! :rofl: Unless manglement are using to track say delivery drivers or if drivers are taking excessive breaks etc. For farming community there is an extra value that some of my clients have noted which is they can track herding behaviour and monitor for over grazing etc…moving animals on if it risks depleting yield or over grazing to extent it delays land recovery etc. So value goes beyond inherent black market price of a cow I guess :slight_smile:

Whereabouts? What sort of terrain?

Absolutely - which then enters the Twiglet Zone of Argument (TZA) about the Apparent Total Coverage of Gateways (ATCG) that anyone creating or deploying trackers thinks exists. So that’s GSM as a fall back.

But if you have wide open spaces (like Kansas, but we’re not in Kansas anymore), and rounding up your livestock is an issue - like roughly where are they and where has the ‘naughty’ pack gone - then I think this has possibilities.

But as above, useless for cattle rustling. Now where are my leather chaps.

Is this a thread hijack? If so, do let us know and we’ll move it to a separate topic.

Exmoor …

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Actually…Kentucky! (And I think they were also later targeting Oz & Nz) One of my early client LoRa apps was doing tracking/monitoring of horses on very long, but thin ranches…30-60 miles by 3-10miles? approx…fascinating task. I think solution in the end revolved around neighbouring ranches cooperation to cover most of an area approx 100 x 50mile area with a near 2 dozen GW’s/data collection points. A sample of animals was tracked & monitored initially as herding gave good indication of where >90% of them were at any time. IIRC they only applied Pareto to look for the approx 20% of wanderers at a later date, as these were brood mares brought into early season by shining uv light in their eyes using a simple hood to simulate onset of longer days*…tracking wasn’t a problem as these horses were carrying big batteries to power the Leds so a gps fix a few times a day was no burden!

Another fascinating LoRa/LoRaWAN application example brought to you by…The Twiglet Zone…stay tuned for next weeks episode… :rofl:

(*) a long story around the economics of race horses for over a beer when people finally get to meet

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I would dearly love to organise a large area with a number of adjoining farms each with a decent antenna mounted high up to provide good coverage - that would provide a brilliant testing ground. I found just one farm tends to need some infill gateways (particularly in hilly north Derbyshire), usually on LTE which then becomes another ongoing cost rather than a capital purchase.

yes @descartes and @Jeff-UK , the solution will be that the near farms work toghether and have each one their own gateway, will be good.
For me… i still have a problema, this project is to follow cows and horses that live in the mountain in council land with no internet there.
Still going back to the technical solution… esp32+gps+lora to a esp32+lora central receiver, this one sendind to the nearest gateway? what do you think?
The next issue is the price… i made my own devices …a GPS with lora is expensive for the farmers.

As highlighted earlier I think you will saturate the LoRa P2P collector to LoRaWAN GW link very quickly

Depends on messages (size and update rate), distance (hence SF & time on air - sadly for a tracker you cant realistically use ADR to optimise), number of monitored animals, terrain (BIG influencer on how any system will perform). Also

How will a given node ‘know’ it has gone out of geofence limit to then send a message - are you running the node continuously to monitor itself live doing local GPS processing and position comparison (big battery!?) - also how will you update any Geo fence data (typically needed if you are to proactively move animals around the area, unless geo fence just relates to the fixed outer limits of the estate)

I think you need to start with mapping the area and topology then look at how a system and deployment needs to be developed and amended (yes there will be compromises to be made - this is no one size fits all in such cases), to accomodate what you find on the ground so to speak. Look also at extending reach from deployed GW’s back to where you can effectively pick up internet connection - long range directional p2p Wifi or uWave links?

All comes back to cost as you suggest - I assume you are charging for your time developing this as after all that is in part what drives the cost of off the shelf devices you consider expensive! IME no farmer ever says the price is too low - everying is always too expensive :wink:

I think the only way you’ll know is by trying something because all we are doing is indulging in advanced guessing based on prior experience.

Or alternatively, buying a tried & tested solution. Or even better, paying me & Jeff to run around a field making Moo’ing noises whilst playing with all the kit we’ve not got around to testing.

Farmers are always being sold something and so are rather cynical. It’s going to be about return on investment - if the tracker system demonstrably saves them money you should find it easier. The best way to do that is to try something.

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There is a testing ground by me, the local playing field, with trees on the edge, so it is perhaps a reasonable simulation of the limits of RSSI localisation, weathers nice tommorow so might give it a whirl. But whilst you can make a LoRa device play tunes (Star Wars for instance) I have yet to make one Moo…

RSSI is often (at least once a week) proposed over in the Arduino forums as a cunning wheeze method of locating stuff by triangulation, yet over the years no-one seems to have come up with a workable method. Last week there was even someone complaining that the RSSI varied so much it made the localization a waste of time, a fix was wanted.

One of the issues with trying to implement RSSI localisation is that antennas are so directive, move the angle of a transmitter that is 500m away around a bit and is may apparently move to 1.5km away. Same thing happens if an object, animal or person, gets in the way.

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I’d only expect “which field” for values of large fields for LoRa RSSI. Useful for finding things that come running when you shake the food bucket. Or big yellow things (JCB diggers) that are easy to spot.

I did some work a year back with someone who was trying out the Semtech API service for using gateway RSSI data to approximate a location - if it’s heard by at least three or four gateways it wasn’t entirely useless - certainly enough to point the police to where to search for the villain / body / treasure chest.

I guess you could use it for elephant detection in fridges to save on the butter use.

Bluetooth, according to some vendors, is a bit easier to narrow down a location. Apple’s iBeacon can apparently work some level of miracle as the Claris (ex FileMaker, ex Claris, always a subsidiary of Apple) demo along those lines is a gym client management solution that can tell which machine the instructor is standing next to …

I’d also like to have a go at using reverse RTK - rather than sending correction data to a tracker, you take the co-ordinates it sends and correct at the receiving base station (that is located in the locality of the item being tracked) as that would solve all sorts of silliness - like failing to find aforementioned big yellow things because they were behind a wall and numpty only looked on one side of the divide.

Easy enough to check.

All around the UK there are GPS reference stations, where the position is know to a couple of cm.

There is a easy accessible one near me, Sully Island. You can put a tracker actually on the reference station and see how far out the reported location is. There is even a nice view and a pub.

When should we come over! :wink:

Like I said, weathers nice tommorow.

I have used the reference point by the pub (The Captains Wife - The Captain's Wife - Wikipedia) to check the accuracy of the distance and direction calcs in the standard Arduino GPS libraries, which can be used on TTN nodes of course, so maybe this is an on topic TTN disscusion …