Downlink Messages using Dragino SCG (LG01-P)

I am total beginner to LoRaWAN and networks in general, but I was given a task to deploy a LoRa network using the Dragino LoRa Kit. The build I am using is as follows: Gateway is the LG01-P model (915Mhz), and my node is Arduino Uno + Dragino LoRa shield + SR04 sensor.
I have successfully established uplink communication from node to TTN, and I can view all the traffic. Now, my next step is to figure out how to do downlink…

I am simulating downlink messages from the TTN console, and I can see that the payload is scheduled, then delivered. Also, the console output from the Dragino gateway itself shows that the downlink message was indeed received, and forwarded (if I am not mistaken) but I get nothing in my node’s log.
I tried to confirm if the packet forwarding code used supports downlink and I found this in Github - Gateway Packet Forwarding Code - and it seems to support downlink.
Device activation mechanism used is ABP.

These images show what I meant above –

Gateway Console

TTN Device Data

TTN Gateway Traffic

My question is --> How do I successfully relay downlink messages to my node? I am not sure where to look exactly.

Thanks in advance.

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