Dragino LSN50 help

Look in github, and search for dragino , edwin cheng, and lsn-50… ypu can find the source code there. But you have to know how the STM enveronment works, and I think you need the try-out verson of Keil compiler. ps the V2 version (black casing) of Lsn-50 the same as for the V1 (grey version)

Or you follow the links in the manual which tells you where to find the code, which software to install and how to install the software.

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what is the cause for which a node lsn50 sends data that can be seen in the traffic of the gateway but, it is not seen in the traffic of the application.


That might be caused by a mismatch in the keys. However that is guess based on lack of information, your image seems to be missing…

This is my result in Gateway Traffic

But, this si my result en Device Data:

Device status is never seen


It doesn’t really look like any of that join request attempt traffic is from the node you show the registration of.

Does it stop when you power off the node?

If so, you probably haven’t put the node registration details you show in the screen shot into the actual node.

If not, then you’re picking up someone else’s traffic and not your own.

Assuming that is the App Eui of you Node:

(Check the lable)

Have you gone back and added to your App EUI List and Correct in your device registration details you posted above - this one looks like it might be the TTN auto generated App EUI created on registering the App… you would need to programme that into the node to use it…


I’ve actually used the dev_eui and the app_eui that comes with the node.
Should I check that the device is configured like this?

Your screenshot of the console shows a different AppEUI for your device. Could you check?

Sorry, it´s a old screenshot image.
The AppEUI is Ok.

Double check that you’ve entered the app key correctly.

Also expand some of those join requests and see what sort of values you are seeing for the join nonce, not just in one packet but in a series of them.

It seems that it does not send data packet
it’s possible?
“gw_id”: “eui-323531322f004f00”,
“payload”: “ANpIgsGdFSWt2kiCQTJBQKjThuffHBc=”,
“dev_eui”: “A8404132418248DA”,
“lora”: {
“spreading_factor”: 7,
“bandwidth”: 125,
“air_time”: 61696000
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“timestamp”: “2020-11-09T20:45:24.965Z”,
“rssi”: -48,
“snr”: 7,
“app_eui”: “AD25159DC18248DA”,
“frequency”: 868500000

They are join requests, so no, there won’t be any application data, just the request to join the network.

For example, here’s the one you quoted https://lorawan-packet-decoder-0ta6puiniaut.runkit.sh/?data=ANpIgsGdFSWt2kiCQTJBQKjThuffHBc%3D&nwkskey=&appskey=

It would be useful to post the “payload” string from several successive join requests or put it into the decoder and see how the dev nonce changes

But greatest likelihood is that the appkey mismatches which will cause the cryptographic checksum Message Integrity Check (MIC) to fail and the join request to be ignored. (Dev nonce re-use would be the other reason for it to be ignored)

Each time the node transmits, it sends 2 requests.
that I can see on my gateway.
In ttn comes the state “CRD Ok”
JoinRequest PacketErr PacketOK

No, it only sends one. It cannot send two things at the same time.

What is happening is that your node is too close to the gateway, and a false version of the signal is leaking through on channels beside the one it is actually on, because it is so close that it is overloading the receiver.

The signal with RSSI -47 is real, the one with -99 is fake caused by overload.

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thank you cslorabox
So I don’t understand why the node doesn’t register data with the application.
The dev eui and app eui that reach the gateway traffic are correct.
I am thinking of acquiring a usb shield tool and looking inside the dragino node

As explained before, if TTN is not generating join accepts in response to the join attempts logged as received by the gateway, then either one of the entered details such as the app key (or the app or dev eui) is incorrect; or else the dev nonce of the join is being illicitly re-used.

What do you see for the device (vs the gateway)? If you aren’t seeing the join attempts there, then they are invalid due to one of the issues mentioned above.

Hi. Is there anyone who would know whether Dragino LSN50 is CE certified?

I would need to know in order to evaluate if the device can be distributed commercially to a wider audience.

They haved published dokuments for V1 and V2



Thanks engelking for help in locating this valuable reference.

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