FAQ - Kerlink Gateway

Have you enabled autoconnect in the knet daemon? I also takes a while to catchup.

That I have, which makes it all the more strange.

<!-- ############## connection parameters ############## -->

<!-- nb of second to retry to connect to server if connection failed-->
<CONNECT retry_timeout="10" />
<!-- port nunmber for local application kms connection -->
<CONNECT kms_port="35035" />
<!-- enable the autoconnect feature (YES/NO) -->
<CONNECT auto_connection="YES" />

Hi, I just installed my kerlink using this guide http://thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/Installing-your-Kerlink

Well all up & running, my gateway is receiving packets, and sending them to TTN… here the example of my node that sent hundreds of them already successfully through my both gateways… also the AA555A0008060760 gw (the kerlink)… http://thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0/nodes/02030800/

but my GW though is still not visible: http://thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0/gateways/AA555A0008060760/

while my other GW (receiving the same packages, see above) is visible: http://thethingsnetwork.org/api/v0/gateways/1DEE091A321845BF/

also on ttnstatus.org the gateway isnt listed, the lorank-8 is…

what can I have done wrong? I just followed the guide, and both gateways use an almost exact configuration (except for the GW ID)

Any suggestions?


Is the kerlink sending status packages? Probably not as that would make the gateway appear on the API page and on ttnstatus.org. (tcpdump will show packets with readable (in the ascii part text containing “{“stat”” if it is)

For status messages you should have (fake) GPS enabled in the configuration. (For fake you’ll need to set the coordinates as well, but I think kerlink has real GPS??)

There is a wrong link in the how to. This old software does not send a status update. Just replaced it. Please try again.

cool… will update it tomorrow…

maybe it would be nice to be able to automatically alter the status messages in both the api and the TTN-specific packetforwarder software so that the “remark” on ttnstatus.org is also automatically filled… instead of having to manual: New Gateway Registration ?

i’ve seen local_conf.json files having stuff like:

"gateway_conf": {
    /* Email of gateway operator, max 40 chars*/
    "contact_email": "", 
    /* Public description of this device, max 64 chars */
    "description": ""    

Yes! and also the interactive map with long latitude. I beleve those field are only possible with the poly packed forwarder. But that’s it the one in de dota file I updated yesterday.

Greeting. Where I can configure PPPoE connection in Kerlink Gateway? Now, I can connecting with 3G (i have staion with 3g modem modification) and DHCP. But, when I haven’t DHCP-server, how my gateway will receive the Internet?

on my kerlink’s firmware the pppd libs are there ( e.g. ./usr/lib/pppd/2.4.5/rp-pppoe.so )

so you should be able to configure pppoe like any other linux pppoe client (google for a pppoe client setup guide)

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If you’re still figuring out how to configure the Kerlink to use GPRS/3G, things to consider are: choose your ip_link address in /knet/knetd.xml wisely as the auto connect mechanism depends on this. Also make sure the poly packet forwarder is restarted whenever there is an interface change (i.e. ppp0 comes up/goes down) as it will break your IP config if it isn’t.

Read more here: https://ipv6.net/blog/how-to-configure-the-kerlink-iot-gateway-using-the-gprs3g-modem/


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I`m trying to add a Kerklink Gateway to the TheThingsNetwork but the local config file seems to be invalid. I cannot figure out how to get the gateway_ID correct. It is MAC based right?

{ "gateway_conf": { "gateway_ID": "xxxxxx", "serv_port_up": 1700, "serv_port_down": 1700, "server_address": "croft.thethings.girovito.nl", "forward_crc_valid": true, "forward_crc_error": false, "forward_crc_disabled": true } }

I think it is not MAC based, but serial number. Look at the format in the other gateways, it should be something like “AA555A0008060599”.

I did not find any serial number on the casing or inside the Kerlink which reseambles the AA555 number

from the manual ;

Please note that the pkt-fwd.sh script will automatically update the gateway_ID field in local_conf.json file, based on the gateway MAC address, so that it is sure to use a unique gateway ID on the network.
Revision 0.7 – August 13th 2015 Page 10 of 11 www.semtech.com ©2014 Semtech Corporation

For example, if the gateway’s MAC address is 02:4B:08:04:00:53, the gateway_ID in local_conf.json will be “xxxxxxxx08040053”. The last 8 digits of the gateway_ID correspond to the last 8 digits of the MAC address.

I don`t think this script wil do that ?

BASE="/mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork" cd ${BASE} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib" killall poly_pkt_fwd modem_off.sh sleep 3 modem_on.sh sleep 3 ./poly_pkt_fwd

Maybe i did something wrong a first setup to begin with

i did a quick dump of gateways on the TTN and if indeed Kerlink starts with AA55 then it looks like the gateway id start withs AA 55 5A 00 followed by 4 (mac) bytes


The gateway_ID is based on the following (Kerlink):

The dota file runs a script to set the mac address. It is a combination of 0000 + 024b08 + the mac address of the Lora chip. This can can be found on a sticker on the case ( in de form of 0x080*****).

The script is as follows:


KNET_ID=$(get_uvar ethaddr | awk -F\: '{print tolower($4$5$6)}')

# customize the json file with gateway MAC address

echo "{"                                              > ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "  \"gateway_conf\": {"                         >> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"gateway_ID\": \"0000${MAC_ADDR}\","    >> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"serv_port_up\": 1700,"			>> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"serv_port_down\": 1700,"			>> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"server_address\": \"croft.thethings.girovito.nl\"," >> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"forward_crc_valid\": true,"			>> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"forward_crc_error\": false,"			>> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "      \"forward_crc_disabled\": true"			>> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "  }"                                           >> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json
echo "}"                                             >> ./mnt/fsuser-1/thethingsnetwork/local_conf.json

I believe AA555A00 is the common address of the Multitech gateways, followed by the same 080***** which is the mac address of the Lora chip.

thanks what is the name and the path of the script ?

It’s in the root of the dotafile and called end_dota.sh.

Hello all,

I am trying to enable the so called udp_transmitter on a Kerlink gateway, however I cannot do it since I cannot upload anythign to the built-in FTP server of the Kerlink, I always get a > remote open(/tx_data/message.json) permission denied , someone with the same issue? Some solution available?
