Growth of the things network

Hi All, Is there any way to see the growth of the things network over time? Whether it be the map of gateways with a time based slider to show the gateways added since the beginning of the things network, or a up to date count of active nodes by region?


not a time based slider but a 'growth graph … but I understand you want more details, I haven’t seen them.
but just yesterday I read this comment on slack

Right now TTN’s EU deployment handles 70~80 packets per second, almost half of which come over MQTT

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Thanks @borroz, I did watch that one and it got me thinking :), I think it would be interesting to see the regional roll out of the things network not just a total count, over time would be interesting to view too.

I think many people are interested in some more (tech) background and data of the community network.
For example… what happend when the roll out of the TTN gateway started in the beginning of this year.
How do you manage the growth, how do you monitor, is there a secret service tap :wink: ect ect

You can see the user growth here:

These were indeed presented at the webinar.


How we build the network and how we are able to manage the growth is depicted in this session by Johan:


Thanks @wienkegiezeman and team for the many cool things you’ve created, I’m not really concerned about how you will manage the growth, I think you have a team of wizards at your disposal, I’m more looking for a retrospective of events I’ve missed in the development of the things network, as you say we are the network, it would be great to visualize how/where that came to be.
