How to completely delete application

I previously deleted application XXX, it is not displayed in the application list anymore.

But when I try to add a new device, the system keeps saying " permission denied
devices rights to application XXX". It mean XXX application and their device still exist.
How can I completely delete XXX application and also delete registered devices in its application.

Any suggestion to fix this error?

In this case, ‘delete’ means hide from view.

You’ll have to ask someone at TTN how much it may cost for them to dip in to the database and remove the entries.

Never delete anything!

Look like a trap. All community TTN users should be warned. :slight_smile:

It’s not a trap - I was being flippant about the costs - if you ask nicely, perhaps someone will help you out.

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did you delete all the devices first before deleting the application?

No, I did not.

@arjanvanb &/or @kersing - is there a procedure for restoring an application that’s been deleted with devices that need to be used, or at least someone we can direct @Somsak to discuss his conundrum?

I think it’s more that the user loses their rights to the application, so it’s doesn’t even need to be set to some hidden state:


I don’t know if anyone can fix that.

OMG - best swap a few units over to OTAA then just in case a collaborator gets a bit carried away.

I don’t think OTAA will help? The combination of DevEUI and AppEUI would still be registered (unless one reprograms the device).

Siri, add “actually try out a device / app delete on TTN on a dummy account” to the top of my to do list

IF it is “hide”, then it should be called “hide” and not “delete”. Now we have the worst of both;

niclas@d1:~$ ttnctl applications add lantmannen_malmo "" --app-eui="A000000000000100,A8404169E1822FB5,A8404161B1822FA2" --handler-id=ttn-handler-eu
 FATAL Could not add application                error=An app with the application id lantmannen_malmo already exists

niclas@d1:~$ ttnctl applications delete lantmannen_malmo
Are you sure you want to delete application lantmannen_malmo?
> yes
 FATAL Could not delete application             error=Application with id lantmannen_malmo does not exist
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I also have had this issue, to me, it looks like a bug…

if I delete an application, it should delete and clean up all devices ect…

Cometí el mismo “error” de Borrar. Se agradecería una alerta que indique “HIDE” y no “DELETE”
I make the same “error”. I´d appreciate an alert message such as, “You will Hide” not “DELETE”
How can solve it now ???

Couple of things to note here:

  1. It is not possible anymore to delete an application that still has devices (you will get an error message)
  2. There is a big warning displayed currently when deleting an entity warning about the implications, including the fact that the ID cannot be reused (note that device IDs can be reused though)
  3. Admins are able to restore deleted entities, though it’s currently only possible via CLI
  4. Admins are also able to “purge” entities, meaning a hard-delete that will also release the entity IDs for reuse
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Thanks for this update @kschiffer
How would I go about requesting such a purge from an Admin?

Say to yourself “Hey, you, Mr Admin, get the CLI out for TTS and purge the entities”.

You are your admin.

Read the CLI docs for the commands.

Thank you I didn’t realize I was the admin. I understood it as a reference to the admins of the whole of TTN.

Anyhow I read to the docs installed the CLI to find out purging is available for everything except end devices. So that is a dead end.

It is not necessary to purge devices. Their IDs can be reused after deletion.

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