HowTo: Update RN2483 Firmware on 'The Things Node'

Used a standard ftdi adapter to the serial pins of the rn2483. Powered board through usb and used the loradevutil reset option to revive the chip on 9600bps. See previous picture for the pinout to the ttn uno.

try to change baudrate in the passtrough program.

I tried pretty much all of the usual ones… 9600, 19k2, 38k, 57.6… no joy so far. I keep getting backward question marks. I’ve added code to do a hardware reset (no joy), to try and fix the auto-baud (no joy).

I’ve ordered Pickit programmer from AliExpress and am using my backup (un-upgraded) second Marvin node and the TheThingsNode… and I have 2 more TTN Uno’s of course.

I just did not like the flakiness of the LoRa development utility… it gave communications errors on all COM ports, and I’m not that familiar with Windows any more these days…

i had exactly the same issue after the microchip upgrade tool did not finish successful after 1st try of flashing. Afterwards it did not detect the RN module any more. :open_mouth:

But i could fix this by setting baud rate between node an RN module to 57600 bps in the arduino code. Then in 2nd try flashing was successful and now the module reports v1.0.3

Today I verified operation of my TTN Node. After the firmware update my Things Node is still running: 9 days in a row:
This is the battery voltage of the Things Node on Cayenne

I messed about with the Lora Development Utility from MicroChip on a Linux box today (as I’m not really familiar with Windows anymore). My advice… don’t bother. It’s a 32 bits program, trying to run on a 64 bits machine. It does not detect any serial ports. It is crap…

So… still one dead Marvin, on Marvin at 1.0.1, a power hungry The Things Node… and a few unused TTN Uno’s…

Actually, are you sure that is that good ? I’ve been using a Node 1.0.1 “wardriving” for a bit (I did switch off the motion detection and only did the 5 minute sending an whenever I push a button) and after 2 days of that it also was at 3.9 volts…

An update on my firmware update troubles (including a bricked Marvin). I found an older copy of the Lora Dev Utility (version 1.0 beta) that was much more reliable under Windows, and had no communications errors.

Using that, and the latest firmware version (1.0.3) I was able to restore the bootloader on the bricked Marvin, and then install firmware version 1.0.3.

I did set all the baud rates at 57600, in the PassThrough code and in the utility.

At the link below there is a ZIP file containing the firmware version that was succesful for me.

Lora Development Utility 1.0 Beta

The tools works only on windows, but the windows can be in Virtualbox running on a mac (remember that microsoft provide virtualbox image to test IE Edge, so you can boot a recent windows easily).

Just tested it with success from my macbook.

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no problemo … just install the latest dev utill

this is my combination that works under win 10

@BoRRoZ I tried the latest DevUtility first and this and the beta version crash with the same error. The Serial USB device driver is from Microsoft, dated 21.06.2006, version 10.0.16299.15. Driver update says: best driver already installed…
I have opend a Microchip support case. There is also a 69K java error log created which I dont feel to post here…

C:\Users\Hanspeter\Microchip\LoRaSuite\Applications\LoRaDevUtility>java -jar LoRaDevUtility.jar

Trying to Connect: COM5
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:#
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000007110b5db, pid=7764, tid=4196

JRE version: Java™ SE Runtime Environment (9.0+11) (build 9.0.4+11)
Java VM: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (9.0.4+11, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, indows-amd64)
Problematic frame:
C [jSSC-2.8_x86_64.dll+0xb5db]

No core dump will be written. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows

An error report file with more information is saved as:

If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
Crash Report
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.


its definitely something on your side.

check these and/or reinstall

@BoRRoZ Yes, it is/was. Uninstalled two java versions and reinstalled the offline downloada version 8.161 64bit version and installed. The gui now shows up and detects: RN2483 1.0.1 Dec 15 2015 09:38:09 created. Hopefully the update will now work. Thanks…

update: it worked, now I have: RN2483 1.0.3 Mar 22 2017 06:00:09 created


Hmm…haven’t seen anything unreliable than this Microchip tool…

The utility only works on Windows…on macOS and Linux it won’t display a file dialog to choose the HEX file…

On Windows though I get then after clicking Update Firmware:

Event Type: 4.Event Value: 0.Port Name: COM5
Event Type: 1.Event Value: 7.Port Name: COM5
Event Type: 1.Event Value: 11.Port Name: COM5
Event Type: 1.Event Value: 3.Port Name: COM5
Event Type: 4.Event Value: 0.Port Name: COM5
Event Type: 1.Event Value: 9.Port Name: COM5
Event Type: 1.Event Value: 11.Port Name: COM5
Trying to Disconnect: RN Module 1
Disconnection Successful
No FED Selected by the user
In Bootloader Failure

And the node is gone…no way to reprogram the firmware anymore…

I agree. but even worse is, that it’s not worth the hassle of upgrading, because the TTN Node hardware will not run longer after the upgrade. its a total battery drainer POS.

Is this due to the Microchip module, the SparkFun AVR or the whole power management?

I am currently also evaluating the RS1xx sensor node…but this one wants a confirmation for each uplink message…haven’t had time to test their RM1xx modules.

Or which sensor node would you recommend for environmental measurements?

In the ‘Module’ menu select ‘Boot Loader Recover’ and your module should be available. For RN2483 (not A) modules the latest working firmware seems to be 1.0.3. (TTN products use the RN2483)

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Isn’t expensive to use?
At least for the community version it woul dmean that I can’t use the RS1xx nodes as they require a downlink for sending the RTC data…

I use TTN due to the fact that in our country Swisscom is rather expensive…

I am currently very happy with the Laird RG186 gateway…no outages so far with the TTN setup…

Well the last time was happy with Microchip was with the 165x devices (o;

Wondering why TTN advertises their node with:

" All this is packaged in a matchbox-sized waterproof (IP54) casing with 3 AAA batteries to power it for months of usage."

because for most people the RN2483(A) works great … maybe use search a bit more, there’s a lot of interesting rn2483 info out there :sunglasses: