LMIC FOR STM32CubeMX in 15 minutes

hello everybody

i have used this lib and project last day and every thing was ok. it joins to ttn very fast by sending just 1 or 2 request join

but i test it today and it takes 20min to connect successfully

and this is my gateway log and rssi

my distance from gateway is about 30m with couple of brick wall

Referencing your duplicate post, this is by design - you are likely recycling the DevNonce and duplicates are rejected by the LNS. For development work you can turn this off in the console or you can make your version aligned with LMIC which does NOT support v1.0.4 incrementing Nonces.

Edit 11 Jan: failed to include NOT in the last sentence - LMIC doesn’t support incrementing DevNonces as required for v1.0.4 so you MUST use v1.0.3

actually i need to have deep undrestand of concept of lorawan
but i only study “the thing network” document could you give me road map to have better undrestand of it
i didnt found anything with this title in forum does it exist?

thank you my friend
i test it and this is result
Screenshot from 2024-01-11 10-03-39

i found somewhere in my code that devNonce variable initialize with a random number and i comment it and asign a fix value to that

please give more detail I’m too much beginer

That will guarantee it gets re-used…which is the problem. :frowning: You want a value (preferably random?) that increments each time and isnt re-used. Note any given device has a limited pool of DevNonces (actually quite a lot!) which under normal use & life time operation should not become exhausted, but if joining regularly (some badly witten s/w joins every time before 1st data TX and is a waste of space/should be avoided like the plague) such that you run out in the working life of the device then only option is to delete device in LNS and start again!

How about the Learn link at the top of the every forum page? And the link bottom right to the documentation on every console page?

And then there is the LoRaWAN specification on the LoRa Alliance website.

There is an error in my post above - I missed a not - I’ve edited this now - LMIC does NOT support v1.0.4 so if you’ve selected that as your device version, it will need to be changed to v1.0.3

1 Like

Screenshot from 2024-01-13 12-49-11
I have enabled reset join nonces and reset used DevNonces
you mean this steps?

i did them but still reJoining time is around 15min

We’d need some more info on what it’s doing for those 15 minutes - serial logs from the device as text formatted with the </> tool plus screen shots at a reasonable “old person” resolution of the exact same time from the device console in verbose mode.

sorry for big delay
i am posting console log as you say
and notice that it is first join attemp takes 20min to join
serial log:

============== DEBUG STARTED ==============
try joining
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
val = 000000DF
Unknown event
EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
val = 000000DF
Unknown event
val = 000000DF
EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)

console log:

after i enabled Reset join nonce
and press Reset used DevNonce

A summary of what you see would help speed up feedback. And please format serial logs with the </> tool

in summery I’m using lmic in stm32 and testing otaa joining method
but there is 2 problem:

  1. it takes to much time to join something around 20min
  2. and when i reset the device or reprogram it connecting takes to much time although i heve “reset used devnonce” key in console setting

my first pictures is console log for first time joining
and second pictures is console log after reseting device

main question is how i can reduce this time buecaus i’m in developing and i need to test many times???

device log(even dont have any thing helpfull):

============== DEBUG STARTED ==============
try joining
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
Unknown event
val = 000000DF
Unknown event
EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
val = 000000DF
Unknown event
val = 000000DF
EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)


I meant a summary of any differences you may have seen after you’d done the reset

actually no defferences after reset!
do you have any idea what should i do? :man_facepalming:

Your RSSI/SNR looks OK, there aren’t any warnings in the console about the DevNonce, so I’d have to suspect that something is stopping the device from hearing the Join Accept. Potentially:

  • The gateway is not transmitting the accept - you can check on the gateway console
  • The antenna is inefficient, compensated for by the device transmitting at a high power providing a good signal, but the antenna isn’t quite right for listening.
  • The timing is badly out due to other threads on the device so it misses the receive window - you’ll need to turn on the timestamps on the serial log so we can see what it is doing.

Hi everyone,

Im still developing my project but now I have another problem.

I developed a Node Red app that sends a hexadecimal data (B6 BB 9E). I can see it on ttn console without problem. The problem comes when my board read the MAC payload as B6 BB 9E.
You can think that I coded this interpretation on my stm32 project but I didn’t. That’s what I want but even if I have my Node Red app closed, it’s still interpreting the same way.

I post 2 pictures to better understanding

All the answer are welcomed.

Thank you.

Its probably the LNS screaming back at you “no no stop have mercy please stop hammering me!”

Why do you think sending an uplink every 5 sec is acceptable? Check TTN FUP (and potentially legal limits in your area!)

Check out this tool, correct your behaviour then come back and confirm compliance to the rules :wink:


p.s. you might also want to try seperating node and GW (Forum search for the win) they are clearly far too close for a LOng RAnge technology…

Despite being told previously that you need to consider the Fair Use Policy, you appear to be sending every 5 seconds. You were asked to read the Learn section which covers this. This is not only a massive breach, but is illegal use of the radio spectrum - illegal like police, court fines, etc etc.

Do not post serial logs as an image.

Suspending the thread until you confirm you are working to FUP. That’s if the TTI staff don’t suspend your entire account first.

Make that continuous uplinks, the 5 seconds are the RX1 delay the stack (hopefully) observes.

I am probably dense, but you are sending a value and next thing is that you are surprised that actual value arrives at the node? Or do you have another problem and am I missing the point? If so, please clearly state what you expect to (not) happen compared to what is happening.

Are you using confirmed downlinks? (Yes or no answer please!)