Lorawan Gateway Implementation

Hi everyone,

Yes JBraam, jeff and arjan, you all were right. Actually to test whether i am getting packet from node or somewhere else i removed node side and plugged on gateway whether it receive message or not. Yes it receive packet alone without node side. So how this gateway is receiving message without sending any packet from node side. Actually instead of SF_ALL, i changed it to SF7 so i think it receiving message from somewhere else. This is the console output of my gateway side without switching on to node.

got ip
Gateway ID 5CCF7FF42F33BF04
ntp synced using
2017-05-11 13:37:54 GMT
sx1272: 34
start singleSF detector on SF7
router ip:
ntp synced using
rxpk 010930005ccf7ff42f33bf04 message {“rxpk”:[{“rssi”:-115,“stat”:0,“modu”:“LORA”,“rfch”:1,“tmst”:618710294,“datr”:“SF7BW125”,“lsnr”:-12,“time”:“2017-05-11T13:48:09.461732Z”,“codr”:“4/5”,“data”:“GCkX0ew/jnDQPZ7+XD/ZhTowiXJC+cqAgyjORUvFt/h6EC9Ks/OvveArpraN5iIPnHyO5atPEdFEUwqcOxzprCvEKFHeuRosHzyShi4H/2Pf4Q1ueXXzPgkWRcD9bLME”,“freq”:868.100,“chan”:0,“size”:96}]} length 336
ntp synced using

Now my question is why gateway is not receiving packet if i try to send it from arduino-limic. All configuration is right in node side but still i am not able to receive packet to gateway side.

Please Reply ASAP.

Thanks and regards

Have you confirmed that your arduino-lmic node is working properly? Perhaps with another gateway?

Thanks for the reply,

yeah i have confirmed that my arduino-lmic is working properly because i have tested this arduino-lmic to raspberry pi gateway for uplink only and its working fine. But i want downlink also that why i used JBraam code which is in LUA for uplink and downlink both. Please if its possible provide me your’s code for node and gateway so that i can modify my code using your’s code.

Thanks and regards

Here’s a great video that I used to set up my node. There are links to the code in the YouTube notes below the video.

I had to change a few things because I’m in the US and on a different spectrum allocation, but that shouldn’t be an issue for you, since I see you’re in the 868 MHz band.


Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the video its really helping a lot for creating end node. Jeff, i have some other requirement will you please help me out?
The requirement is, i want to communicate between gateway and node using LORAWAN. Actually after getting packet from end node to gateway and later on gateway will transmit those packet to server, then at the same time gateway send other packet or message back to node. How can i transmit packet from gateway to end node?

Thanks and regards

Hi Rohit,

I’m sorry, but I don’t have any experience with communications from the gateway to the node. I know that it’s a Lorawan capability, just not one that I’ve ever tried to make work. Perhaps someone else has some experience and can chime in.


Thanks Jeff, you really helped me a lot. :slight_smile: