LoRaWAN simulation issues

Hi @dpergarc, your post says:

Are you running a real gateway or have you built a software simulation of a gateway and devices?

If it is working as you expect to the TTN V2 stack on the community network but is not working to the TTI V3 stack that you have built, have you used a network sniffer like Wireshark to look at the UDP legacy protocol difference between working and not working?

Hi guys!

First of all, thank you for answering so quick, let’s see what you recommend:

Yes, that is true for an scenario with real devices, taking into consideration the windows reception limitations for LoRaWAN, but this is not the case, I am simulating both devices and gateways by software through UDP forwarding packet. What I do not get is why the same packet sent to two different destinations (ttn console VS ttn stack) behaves different, working in one side, and not in the other one.

It is a software simulation for both devices and gateways, there is not real gadgets… yet. If everything works as it is expected, I will look for a real case.
Well, I can make the test you are suggesting, but I believe that the real question here could be: what are the differences between TTN V2 stack and TTI V3 stack? Since I am sending exactly the same packet, there are no differences.

Additional information:
I am attaching the issue with further details (see joinError.json (4.7 KB) ) so as it might give you some clues about what it is going on.

Thanks beforehand, and looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.

Hi @dpergarc, thanks for the additional information. You say:

This obviously only covers one half of the situation. Your simulation might be the same but the other half - the V2 stack or the V3 stack - is different, very different, V3 is much more complex.

I think that you need to look in detail at all the packets being sent by the LoRaWAN core and see what is triggering the situation. I think that the answer lies in the bits and bytes of the wire-level of the UDP protocol.

That doesn’t mean airtime limits won’t be applied by the server, as far as it is concerned they are real. And it wouldn’t be a very useful simulation if it waived real world constraints.

(Even if a gateway implements airtime limit accounting itself for legal reasons, the network server still needs to for performance reasons, because it would rather send a downlink through a gateway that has available airtime allowance to transmit it, rather than assign it to one that is just going to drop it.)

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The stack does not know your simulation is not a real gateway and not a real node so it will consider them real and handle them appropriately.
The difference in behavior is probably due to the difference in versions of the stack. In V3 lessons learned have been implemented…

Hi there!

Thank you very much for your responses, it gives me encourage to keep going!

I get what all of you are saying… therefore, I can clearly see there is only one way to achieve it, but I do not know whether it is possible or not, so: is there any way to avoid the LoRaWAN limitations for an specific case just like this one? The main aim of this is to simulate the traffic, the coverage and the way that gateways could be overloaded, since in this very first approach, real devices are not mandatory.

Thanks beforehand, looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.

As the sources are available there probably is. In an other way, I hope not as everyone always has special use cases where the legal/fair use/whatever limits do not need observing…

Then you really need to include the airtime limits in the simulation!

is there any way to avoid the LoRaWAN limitations for an specific case just like this one?

Simulate a setup in a region that doesn’t have downlink airtime limits - but then your result only applies to that region, and not one which does.

But really, if you’re hitting downlink airtime limits, you’re already shooting yourself in the foot, because it means your gateway is spending too much time transmitting and thus unable to hear uplinks from nodes…

Did you accidentally “power on” a bunch of nodes that need to register all at the same time? That’s not very realistic, simulate instead a person putting batteries in them one at a time, or pulling out a battery saver tape or whatever.

Hi @dpergarc, please do not do any form of stress testing on a network that is being used by other people for production work.

None of which particularly needs to replicate the protocol. You can use real life to figure out metrics like transmission time (which can actually be calculated to a reasonable level), typical gateway processing, backhaul responses and network processing times. Then write some algorithms, run simulations and unleash some R to evaluate the results.

It would help if you could tell us why you need to figure this out.

That is an issue we regularly experienced at workshops. Last few workshops I ran I made sure to have multiple gateways on site.

Seems like it could also be handled with better timing randomization at startup and between join attempts.

Also possibly code optimized for such a setting by using only fast SF’s for the first five minutes or so before starting to include slower ones.

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Hi guys!

Thank you very much again for answering so quick!!!

Do not worry, I am not trying to execute this in a real scenario, I am using the TTN stack with docker in my computer :slight_smile:

That might be (it makes sense actually), but this is not the case I am afraid, since I am doing the following sequence:

  1. Join-accept procedure → OK.
  2. Wait 15 minutes.
  3. Join-accept procedure → OK.
  4. Wait 15 minutes.
  5. Join-accept procedure → NO OK.

That is weird, I am not sending nothing else to the gateway by neither the emulated node nor any other node.

I will look for it, just only to make a little test to discard the air time limitations - Would you mind telling me one? It might be quicker I guess :smiley:

Thanks beforehand, looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards.

How are you implementing time and timestamps in your simulation?

Hi there!

I am attaching a real example of Semtech UDP packets used recently this morning (that is to say, both the rxpk and the stat, which are related to the first communication steps):


  • Attempt 1 - OK

{“time”:“2020-10-29 08:29:44 GMT”,“lati”:0,“long”:0,“alti”:0,“rxnb”:0,“rxok”:0,“rxfw”:0,“ackr”:100,“dwnb”:0,“txnb”:0}

  • Attempt 2 - OK

{“time”:“2020-10-29 08:32:06 GMT”,“lati”:0,“long”:0,“alti”:0,“rxnb”:0,“rxok”:0,“rxfw”:0,“ackr”:100,“dwnb”:0,“txnb”:0}

  • Attempt 3 - FAIL

{“time”:“2020-10-29 08:32:38 GMT”,“lati”:0,“long”:0,“alti”:0,“rxnb”:0,“rxok”:0,“rxfw”:0,“ackr”:100,“dwnb”:0,“txnb”:0}

  • Note

Most information has been made up, but I tried to simulate them with random values achieving the same wrong result.


I hope this helps, if you need further information please, do not hesitate and ask for it, I will be glad to share it!

Thanks beforehand, looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.

As I suspected you have not correctly simulated the hardware timestamp.

Your packets purport to be a couple of minutes apart, but their timestamps are only 141 microseconds apart, which is simply impossible - those packets would overlap!

As a guess, you incremented the hardware timestamp counter only by the air time and not the elapsed time between packets. And you mistakenly applied a value in milliseconds as microseconds.

Or at least something like that.

Your fake packets need to have hardware timestamps which show a progression of time roughly matching that actual progression of time in between when they are submitted.

Assuming you are running your simulation in real time, what you need to do is convert the time since program start to microseconds, mask it at 32 bits so its rolls and use that.

Modeling the uplink airtime is relatively unimportant, unless you’re also trying to do your own accounting of when frequencies are occupied (though in that case you have to model real world radio behavior, too, like close nodes blanking distance ones on other channels, and some intention of to what degree you support the theoretical orthogonality of distinct spreading factors on the same channel at the same time.)

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Hi there!

Thank you very much @cslorabox, that seems to be the key!!! I am hard coding that with random values just like as it shown below:

  • 7911574
  • 8449704
  • 8892065
  • 9220230
  • 9947056
  • 404184
  • 2161830

So, according to what you say, the real operation here should be:

  1. Calendar.getInstance().timeInMillis * 1000 // microseconds value → For instance right now: 1604063010987524.
  2. Delete the first six values → in order to have a 32 bits value.

Is that correct? Could it be a random value emulating steps of two minutes?

Thanks beforehand, looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.

No, you need to mask to a 32 bit value. That is not an operation which has any direct equivalence in decimal, but it is rather elementary computer programming.

I’m sorry to say that your approach to all of this is a bit haphazard - if you want to end up with a result that has any real meaning, you’re going to need to first take time to better understand how such a network works.

Hi there!

Copy, understood!

I am aware that a real situation means to follow the LoRaWAN rules, but I insist, it is a simulation sending data through UDP to a TTN stack launched on my computer, so do not worry, I am not breaking the rules (and of course, I am not pretending to do so).

Once this issue has been solved, I will keep working on uplink procedure, that it is the next step, thank you very much for all your support! All of your suggestions have been so helpful!

Kind regards.

You really, really missed the point of what you were responding to.

It doesn’t sound like your simulation is modeling the actual behavior of a network.

As a result, your results will be meaningless at best, but it may be far worse if you actually believe or represent them to others as having any sort of meaning.