Node RAK811+Arduino

! do you have power on the RAK chip ?

  • did you read about the jumpers and the power testpin
  • try only connect rx/tx and ground and power the board over USB
  • bad dupont wire

It’s work now, but without using the library, do you have any advice to use the library because it keep giving me no result with it, but without the library I get a result

No not at this moment… I ordered a RAK811 module so in a couple of weeks I know more :wink:

Maybe you can explain (code?) what you did to make it work without that library ?

here is the code {
#include “RAK811.h”

RAK811 RAKLoRa(Serial1);

void setup() {

while(>= 0) {}

void loop() {

       String Version = Serial1.readStringUntil('\n');

just to get the version, I don’t know why but I get a lot of “ERROR-1” before I get the version and the errors come again, it’s work but with errors, and even when I tried to set the mode, lot of errors at the beginning then it sent “OK”

and what version do you have ? … there are some firmware updates

I have the PCB… waiting for the chip :wink:



Where did you buy that pcb?


@InternetOfThings,BoRRoZ i tried by this way but still getting me nothing on serial terminal like at+version continuously.i’m trying to know the version by firing AT commands on Arduino serial as well as Serial Terminal.

There are two ways to use these RAK811 boards it seems, someone tell me if I am wrong.

  1. simple AT commands from your own MCU board - not sure on the benefits of doing this given SX1276 solutions already in play, are the AT commands sent via the ST32L151? unsure
  2. programming the STM32L151 directly - this seems to be the pro approach but is technically more of a challenge as at present there are no ardiono cores working for the ST32L151 - unless someone knows better

Hi, try to set the RAK811 baud rate to 9600, and then through Arduino to control.

yes the 811N has a uart interface and can be controlled by AT commands

Hot tip for anyone else having trouble with the RAK811/serial interface - I was trying to connect a RAK811 with an Arduino Uno on the hardware serial port, and for the life of me couldn’t get them to talk. Note that I’m using the simple RAK811 breakout board, not the ‘shield’ board.

I was receiving the ‘Welcome to RAK811’ message, but any time I tried to send commands, I simply got ERROR-1.

I ended up scoping it out and could see that the transmitted signal bits looked fine, but the TX timing from the Arduino appeared to be just a fraction faster then that of the return messages from the RAK811. I haven’t investigated that much further, but in the end I simply set my baud rate to 110000 instead of the standard 115200, and I was able to communicate successfully.

Once you have active comms, you can use the at+uart command to adjust the baud rate to suit, in my case I wanted it lower to free up the hardware serial.

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softserial and 115200 :thinking: that’s normally not possible

Yeah that’s right - that’s really the premise of why I wanted a lower baud rate and why I was using the hardware serial to get there. Note I’m using purely the hardware serial above :slight_smile:

this baby has an extra hw serial (I use it also to run the TTN lib) and its 3v3 so no levelshifters

I have same problem… no comunication between Leonardo or Mega 2560 and RAK811 via serial1

I have checked jumpers, Q’s, and all its fine… 3v3 signal get into RAK811 by UARTrx pin (oscilloscope used), but UARTTx pin doesnt respond…
If I send AT comands via USB-PC the board works fine

I tried to change bps (even 110000 ??), but nothing…

Any idea?serial1_rak811


The level sifhter built in RAK811 board cant work at preset RAK811 baudrate (115200) so:


Now arduino (Leonardo, Mega…) can talk with board (serial1.begin(9600))

I’ve successfully connected the RAK811 with a USB-UART converter and managed to run all the AT commands comfortably…

Had to do this -> at+uart=9600,8,0,0,0 at 115200 to make the RAK811 talk with the computer.

Now, I am trying to make the RAK811 talk to the Arduino Uno… Using SoftwareSerial to do the same. Have run all the AT commands except the last one (at+send), which is throwing up an unforseen error…

Hey all.

I managed to run the RAK811 with the Arduino finally, including the at+send command…


Had to change the payload to something specific like above, don’t know why… It did not work with a shorter length payload (eg. ) 0102. If any one has an answer, kindly reply…

So that takes care of the RAK811 board… Both USB-UART & Arduino interfacing done. :slight_smile: