Outdoor Smoke & heat detector wanted

Just may be none of us have deployed any and if we are looking for some we will use the search on here and if that does not work try Dr. Google

i did search here but only indoor, why the hell they build indoor ones for long range wireless. Outdoor would make sense but i could not find anything for LoRa with Dr Google.

Anything usable or that can be adapted in the hardware section/device repository?

worst case i will make some housing for the indoor sensors but hard to believe not a single maker have such for outdoors

Thingy have, try them.

nice, thanks for this!!

Thank DR Google please :slight_smile:

they say it takes 20-30 years to reforest the areas in Spain but at least something can be done now to early detect these. I am already using this sensor, https://www.arrow.com/en/products/sps30/sensirion-ag it works fine but the power consumption is a bit high for battery setup, so it would need some solar charging for sure

Don’t know about other companies, but our insurance explicitly forbids building and reselling smoke/fire detectors. If we go there our insurance is void.

You could check the forum, a couple of weeks ago a forum member posted a (draft) solution for heat (fire) detection based on cheap Dragino sensors.

ok about insurance in your area, but they should trust some certified vendors i guess, however i am still interested in both self build way or buy off the shelf something.

They don’t want to insure the liability. Insurance is all about money.

I’m not sure I understand the causal link here and no one here is obliged to provide an answer, so your approach may be self-defeating by berating those who have the expertise to develop such a device if you were civil about it.

As for ‘long range wireless’, you’ll find that for buildings it provides penetration. For wooded areas, it is questionably long range. It’s all relative.

then just keep buying the Long Range Wireless 5-10km range detector for your kitchen and bedroom, OK. fine.

But they aren’t. You totally missed the building penetration concept. And in urban areas 1 or 2km is good. Line of sight with minimal ground items, sure, 5-10km. But absolutely not in a forest or wooded area at ground level but potentially good enough to be of use for your use case.

And I don’t buy such things, I build them - you are ragging on the exact group of people that can build these sorts of things.

how about reading the topic once again, only OUTDOOR solutions, and i dont care about building penetration as we talk about forest. Spam somewhere else, we know you have a tiny clue about radio propagation, but others too…

You said:

and I answered it, partly as context to the idea of range in forests which has been discussed before on the forum, search being your friend, that is unlikely to net you 5-10km without line of sight, just in case you were hoping for that sort of range for forest floor level devices.

We build modules for fire & security systems & we do have the insurance. But we also like to keep things civil.

I know that a forest is outdoor. But you have the same problems as a node in a building. According to my experiments in the German Black Forest you can achieve abt. 2 km if the antenna of the node is in 2m above ground.
If you are able to install the node or it’s antenna on the top of a high tree it will be much more.


I have been working on something similar, in a slightly obscure way.

I want to add a LoRa notification alarm to one of those movement alarms that you can get for a cycle. So if you are in a nearby cafe and someone tries to steal your cycle you will get a notification via point to point LoRa.

I designed a small PCB, 37mm x 16mm, that has a processor and LoRa device. I hope it will be small enough to go inside the case of the cycle alarm.

The idea is to connect it up to the cycle alarm horn\buzzer output so that when the alarm goes off the LoRa transmitter wakes up from deep sleep and sends a notification.

Now look in inside a domestic smoke alarm, there is a fair amount of space, so there could be room for a small LoRa board. Sure a smoke alarm only has a very small battery, but then the LoRa board can be desigend to have a circa 1uA sleep current.

This approach could potentially be used to LoRa-ise a standard smoke alarm.

However, before one goes too far, or gets too upset, do first establish that the range you would get for the LoRa sensors in a forest would be good enough for a viable TTN application. No point at all in designing the sensors, and getting upset, if the range you get is not good enough for the application.

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Its worth mentioning that this is not a good time at all for companies to be designing new nodes.

A lot of microcontrollers are very difficult to get hold of these days. For the example mentioned above, I wanted to use an ATmega4808 as it has more memory than the more familiar ATmega328P a device which can be borderline, memory wise, for some applications.

Currently Farnell\Element 14 dont expect supplies of the ATmega4808/9 until early May 2023.

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Hello, I made a lot of “useless” DIYs , recently I’m playing with Seed-E5 Lora SOC modlue + BME680 T/H/P/AQI gas sensor, together with TTN and cayenne_lpp. I saw your post just now, and checked my DIY sensor found it quite sensitive to matches’ smoke. Maybe this time my DIY is not useless, but can helps you.
Please give me a meassage if you are still working on this topic.

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