Payload decoder for Adeunis Field Test Device for use with TTN Mapper integration

Has anybody a working payload Decoder for the adeunis field test device that works with the ttnmapper Integration ?
Thanks a lot for response

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is there an example somewhere of the ‘normal’ payload decoder (that Tx the RSSI/SNR back) ?

I don’t think the integration needs link quality details in the payload. (If it would: the decoder in the application’s payload format does not have access to that information. Also, multiple gateways might be receiving the packet.)

According to the integration’s linked documentation:

The assumption is that your end device with a GPS on it sends at least its latitude and longitude, but preferably also its altidude and HDOP values. If HDOP is not available, the accuracy of the GPS fix in metres will be accepted. As a last resort the satellite count can be used.

Make sure you have a Payload decoder function enabled on the TTN Console that decodes the raw payload into a json object. The JSON object should contain the keys “latitude”, “longitude” and “altitude” and one of “hdop”, “accuracy” or “sats”. When using the Cayenne LPP data format, the GPS coordinates will be decoded into a different JSON format, but this format is also supported. Cayenne LPP does not contain a GPS accuracy, and therefore this data will be considered as inferior and will carry less weight in calculation of coverage, and will be deleted first during data cleanup.

So, the above is one part of the solution. Now, as I’m too lazy to search for what the device is actually transmitting, this is all for now…

tnx, I always understand that the Adonis Field test device transmitted a confirmed packet and then received info back about the RSSI/SNR (if in range and for multiple GW)

Ah, that might be very true, to display on the device. TTN Mapper does not need confirmed uplinks though; it gets the meta data through the integration directly.

Probably a LinkCheckReq MAC command then, not a confirmed uplink.

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Hi. Here is the decoder function we wrote for our Adeunis field test devices to work with the TTN Mapper integration:

It has been working well for us:

Hope it helps.


great tnx ! :sunglasses:

Thank you so much! I’ve had the Adeunis FTD for over a year now and only today I was finnally able (or, should I say, stopped being lazy) to get it integrated to TTN. Danke!

A post was split to a new topic: Has anyone used the Adeunis web reporting application for non-EU Field Test Device?


do you have an updadet decoder in java that could be used with v3. I was unable to adapt your code. Br, aw

Please don’t double post, it splits the efforts of those that take time out to reply.

And after over two & a half years, the thread is a bit stale.