RAK831 vs IC880A-SPI

The setup script ask for reset pin, so it should be straightforward and change it in the startup script according the value you entered.

monitor service can be disabled after install with the following command

sudo systemctl disable monitor.service

But I could change the setup to ask if monitoring is wanted :wink:

Good idea!

So: Yes please. :sunglasses:

And not install monitoring (and its software requirements) when not needed (instead of only disabling the service) to prevent bloating / installing unnecessary software.

I fried one RAK831 and one PI Zero with human error, I need to check where is my last repo hoping it was not on the fried gateway ;-(

Fried, ouch…

That’s what’s happen when you power the whole thing with 12V DC (forgot to cut wire between vin/vout of the DC/DC step down) !!!
I should have read the documentation I wrote, or I should not make 3 things at the same time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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yep :wink:

It is related to the clock switching frequencies (RPi3 switches between two different clock speeds)

thanks, updated

Many thanks! So it looks like it is SPI speed calculated wrong on RPi3 · Issue #2094 · raspberrypi/linux · GitHub and apparently we can disable the turbo with core_freq=250 to avoid clock switching. (The gateway doesn’t need turbo anyway)…

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It’s done, and I included basic documentation on how to setup and display information on OLED display (including received packet), thanks to @kersing letting gwtraf in new packet forwarder