Reporting Inactive Communities - Core Team

Hi all

We now have a few feature on the community pages that allows users to report inactive core team members. There is a small (!) mark next to the contributor section where you can report the particular community and send us a message.

Here’s an example -


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and I know a few :wink:
please define ‘inactive’ 
 for example

  • 0 8 channel gateways in 2 months
  • no new members in 2 months
  • to close to another community
  • no 'exposure in 1 month

I would like to remove some inactive contributors but I don’t see ( ! ) mark next to the contributor section. How can I then remove these people?

Hi Bill, we dont have this feature yet to kick out members from a community. It is possible to remove core team role and make them just contributors. So far we didn’t receive this type of request but I will check with the web team on this.

I don’t know if it is a community improving measure to simply remove a member of the Core Team.
So I would rather have the question what I have to do to become a member of the Core Team, in my case Bochum.
I myself got to see LoraWAN for the first time only last year and found it good that there is a community like TTN.
I see that there are always efforts to use the LoraWan gateways then only privately, because you have your own gateway for your own private data do not have to end up in a cloud.
TTN is for me already the better solution and therefore I hope to get the community a piece forward.
My shortcomings, which are probably also reasons for many non-participation, are for example that although with English as a language, which is known for a wide range of communication, many like me, forces everything to run through a translator, which takes a lot of time that could be used for many other things.
I would have found it natural if under the category Germany German was accepted as a normal language.
But I was disconcerted that on the introductory words more or less the answer comes, in this forum one should talk in English or Chinese because only then one would be understood.

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)from
ch weiß nicht ob es eine gemeinschaftsverbessernde Maßnahme ist ein Mitglied des Core Teams einfach zu entfernen.
Daher hĂ€tte ich da eher die Frage was ich tun muß um ein Mitglied des Core Teams, in meinem Fall Bochum, zu werden.
Ich selbst habe LoraWAN erst im letzten Jahr das erste mal zu sehen bekommen und fand es gut, dass es dort eine Community wie TTN gibt.
Ich sehe zwar, dass es immer wieder Bestrebungen gibt die LoraWan Gateways dann nur privat zu nutzen , da man sich ja doch ein eigenes Gateway fĂŒr seine eigenen privaten Daten nicht in einer Cloud landen mĂŒssen.
TTN ist fĂŒr mich schon die bessere Lösung und daher hoffe ich die Gemeinschaft ein StĂŒck vorwĂ€rts zu bekommen.
Meine Mankos die warscheinlich von vielen auch GrĂŒnde fĂŒr nichtteilname sind, liegen zum Beispiel daran, dass zwar mit Englisch als Sprache, die ja fĂŒr einen großen VerstĂ€ndigungsbereich bekannt ist, viele wie mich, dazu zwingt alles ĂŒber einen Übersetzer laufen zu lassen, was viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, die fĂŒr viele andere Dinge genutzt werden könnte.
Ich hĂ€tte es fĂŒr selbstverstĂ€ndlich gefunden wenn unter der Kategorie Germany Deutsch als normale Sprache akzeptiert wĂŒrde.
Aber es hat mich befremdet, dass auf die einleitenden Worte dazu mehr oder weniger die Antwort kommt, in diesm Forum solle man sich in Englisch oder Chinesisch unterhalten denn nur dann wĂŒrde man verstanden.

Hopefully you spotted that you added to a four year old discussion 

You contact the community members and talk to them about it. Communities run themselves, they aren’t governed by TTI.

Maybe, but this is agreed forum parameters as you already know from a previous posts.

I don’t recall mentioning Chinese so I’ll take that as humour.

last Answer kills the comunication.

I have had a look at the Gateways in the Countrys. Germany has with over 3000 Gateways more listed as United States Of America, United Kingdom, Australia, India togeater.

But to get to the reason for my report here.
It was the only suitable thread for me that the search gave me.

I had written to the initiator of the community Bochum and got no answer. The second core member I had also contacted, got an answer here, unfortunately not to the question of how I could become a member of the core team.

On the question whether one not a possibility of an internal communication channel which is not based on a certain operating system or complicated Anmeldeemechanissmus. At first he said that he could do that, but then he told me that it would not be feasible for him.
Thereupon I opened a channel TTN-Bochum ( ) in the style of TTN-Mitteldeutschland ( ) and informed him about the channel with the question of admission to the Core Team.
After that, unfortunately, I have heard or read nothing more.
One of the reasons to post here.

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling but there isn’t much that can be done on the forum in this regard. We are all fortunate to have TTI pay the bills for the TTN servers in three geographical locations and run the forum without any cost to us at all, using a unified login mechanism or Anmeldeemechanissmus if you prefer.

It is up to each community to manage itself. If, as suggested in the first item in this topic, a community fades away, then there is nothing stopping you getting some projects going in your local area and if you’re happy you have critical mass that eclipses the “official” community, then you can ask TTI to transfer the role of initiator to you or a nominated person.

Many communities were setup in the early days of TTN in a fit of enthusiasm, so it’s not unsurprising that some have faded away. In my town the initiator has moved 150 miles away without any notice, so I’m in the process of trying to find out who is still active - a very similar situation to yourself.

Fundamentally a community is about co-ordinating resources, planning & education to enable an area to make the very best use of LoRaWAN via the deployment of gateways so that anyone can use a low cost device for ve+ activities. You may find yourself better off concentrating on a small project in your immediate area and then look again at the TTN community aspect, as a project may revitalise it.