Setting up Node with Dragino Lora Hat (v1.4) with RPI3 & LG01 Gateway

Hi everyone,
I’m just trying to get started by setting up an Dragino LG01 Gateway and a RPI3 + Dragino LoRA Hat v1.4 - connected to TTN. But it isn’t working.

So far I have my LG01 gateway set up and appearing as connected in TTN. I have the latest single_pkt_fwd_v004 for the MCU installed and the firmware IoT 4.3.4

My Node is also set up and I’ve been getting successful packet transmissions via TX messages in the console (I think) - inbetween intermittent Radio failure 630 messages.

I am using the examples provided by Dragino using ‘thethingsnetwork-send-v1.cpp’

The problem is that my Gateway is not showing any data in the Sensor>Data and neither is any data forwarding through to reach the TTN.

I have modified and checked all the various dev address/EUI settings so I am confident these settings are all correct.

Here’s what I’m not so sure about:

  1. Where are the settings for spreading factor, transmit spreading factor, coding rate, bandwith and preamble set for the node?
  2. As I’m in Europe I have the transmit and receive frequency both set at 86810000. Where do I set this in the node
  3. Finally, where do I set that it’s operating as a single channel?

Here’s hoping someone can help! There are so many posts it is difficult to know what is current!

Thanks in advance.

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