STM32 LoRa Discovery Kit (B-L072Z-LRWAN1) on TTN US 915 Hybrid

Yes, I can see the join requests in the TTN console. I’m going to explain step by step how to do the setup:

  • Download and unzip the Hands-on-framework from the Workshop link.
  • Open the AT_Slave project and in the Options of target, C/C++ tab select the correct region, in my case it’s ok in EU868.
  • Open Comissioning.h file, and set to 1 STATIC_DEVICE_EUI
  • Set LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI matched with your TTN app
  • Set LORAWAN_APPLICATION_EUI matched with your TTN app
  • Set LORAWAN_APPLICATION_KEY matched with your TTN app
  • Compile and program
  • Open a serial ternimal to send AT commands (for example Hercules HW-group), select de board COM and set baudrate to 9600
  • Right click in white windows and set CR/LF Enable, then Open connection
  • Check if there are comunication sending AT command in non-HEX mode
  • Tap AT+JOIN
  • Check JOIN status with NJS command and send a message with SEND command

You can see the result in the picture
ttn_console1 .

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Your picture shows success, not failure

I don’t have an answer for you, but it works… I went through the ST workshop on this and it was really a scramble with copying and pasting code, which eventually worked. The explanations were fuzzy though, so I plan to go through it again, if I can find the slides or workshop video.