TTNMapper integration down?

Yes, it is working. I like its radar feature. TTN Coverage

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Unfortunately the site has been offline again for 2 days :frowning:

Indeed also noted this and likely for the reasons discussed above - no doubt he will resurrect for us once holidays over/funded :slight_smile: :+1:

Holiday period provides lots of time/opportunity (gotta walk those rich Xmas meals off!) for community mapping! :wink: So having to rely on alternates until TTNMapper comes back online.

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It seems up again.

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Indeed, I checked again last night - along with the coveragemap Helium equivalent and both down with TTN mapper still down earlier today again. No doubt many now please to see it back up. :slight_smile:


It really seems to be working again, but the server for the map data (e.g. + is apparently extremely overloaded at the moment.

So easily fixed by feeding the meter …

In the meanwhile, TTNMapper is having some fun showing some hot spots for the UK …

Whereas Aberdeen beach actually looks like this:


which appears to have less snow on the sand than in my garden!

Curious no one noted that it’s back up.

Please everyone, don’t take this service for granted - one day it may go down and stay down.

e.g. Posts above 3D ago - Jan 5th ~4:50/5:20 UKT

Indeed! Lots of people contribute to the TTN Community in many significant ways. Putting hand in pocket a good way for others to also help… problem is not obvious how from main TTNMapper page - solution for those looking is head to CoverageMap.Net link and then go to Contribute…

2 days ago it was only showing Scottish hot spots with timeouts on all the other servers. Guess it took longer to get to the frozen north of England.

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is TTN Mapper down?
I cannot see any gateways or the heatmap.

Probably - I moved your query to the current thread on the front page

TTN mapper is down?

from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing issues (I think) are usually related to JS/node.js handling issues either in browser - possibly blocking - or on server side - I’m sure one of the more knowledgeable Softies on here will clarify and explain and assist in any debug.

I did a quick check and see TTNMapper up and responding to individual requests(*) from both FireFox ESR on Win and Safari on iPadOS. Have you tried an alternate browser or PC as may help track down issues? What environment are you using?

(*) Though have noted for days now - since last major outage over Xmas/New Year? - that site appears a bit broken with rendering inconsistent and unreliable - data tile overlays on map not being rendered correctly - even adjacent tiles - and dropping totally as zoom level changes so fear site is limping at the moment! And as noted above it seems to have ‘lost’ all the GW’s (along with inconsistent listing of heatmap coverage V2/V3 and GW’s V2/V3 tick box options usually top right of presented map)

Fingers crossed JP will resolve in short order…

Thanks for the reply. Anyway, tested on multiple PCs (WIN11,DEBIAN 12, MACOS … all updated) FF, Chrome, Edge, Safari. The result is still the same … Access to fetch at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ’ Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

TTN Mapper is a third party website - you can try to get the attention of @jpmeijers on here but generally he’s pretty busy with RL.

FWIW, as an irregular user of TTN Mapper, it’s behaving better than normal. However the fetch for gateways is proxied via CloudFlare which is returning a timeout message and CloudFlare isn’t the original page, so sure, CORS issue.

Rest assured, JP knows about this stuff, the website was working but as comments above, the funding for the site is erratic & there is a limit to how much time can be consumed on such things.

Thanks for the info, I’m aware of the limits.

Which limits?

Lack of time

@jpmeijers has found some time to get some disks to put in the machine responsible so there is some work in progress towards potential improvement.

Uplift in donations / subscriptions is nil. One additional Patreon. Bit of a disgrace for the community, plenty of people asking, no one contributing.