Unable to connect Things Node to Multitech Conduit IP67

I have powered up outdoor Gateway (talam-ttn) using 48V PoE and able to access it through SSH. I have then configured it using the installer.sh script at https://github.com/kersing/multitech-installer/raw/master/installer.sh.

I think I have setup the gateway correctly as I was able to see the console reporting the device as online. (it’s currently off now as I write).

However, the problem I have is connecting Things Uno to the network. The Gateway is connected to a lightning arrestor which is then connected to the antenna. I am working in the same room where the Gateway is present. However, when I configure Things Uni using Arduino sketch with the example “Basic” program, I get the message

Sending: mac join otaa 
Join not accepted: denied
Check your coverage, keys and backend status.

This thread The things uno otaa denied discuss a similar topic but most of the replies talk about not having coverage. Since I am in the same room as the Gateway is, I don’t think coverage is an issue.

Connecting the Antenna to Gateway seems straight forward and I couldn’t think of any mistake there. (though I could be wrong and welcome any suggestions).

I followed this video tutorial for setting up my Things Uno. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tapK6EINx1k

Any help is much appreciated!


Make sure to have at least 3 meters between the gateway and the node, otherwise the signal might be too strong leading to corruption.

thanks @kersing. I will try this as soon as I resolve an issue with Things Node

@kersin sorry for the delayed reply. Caught up with travel and other works. OTAA still doesn’t work after trying from various distances. What makes me wonder is that, if I use the LoraWAN server that comes with Multitech, I am able to connect Multitech evb (instead of thingsnode) using the hardcoded credentials given by multitech: https://www.multitech.com/brands/multiconnect-mdot-evb . EVB screen says “Joined” and “Sending data” but if look for messages in the gateway, I don’t see anything coming in. What could be the issue? I check with a range of 1.5km and EVB can still connect to Gateway and beyond that it can’t.

I am still on travel. I will get back to work in Dec 1st week and update again. Thank you for your support.

How did you get on with this?

I have Sensing-Labs devices connected to a Multitech IP67 Conduit AEP gateway and they are very reliable. I can connect a ThingsNode but after a power cycle the Thingsnode is the one device that does not re-join. The Sensing-Labs devices always do re-join

Are the sensing lab devices ABP ?

OTAA. Same as the Thingsnode