Save the date: TTN Node Workshop on 24.06.2017
By Krzysztof Sielski
8 June 2017+++ Deutsche Version +++
Hallo Zusammen!
Am 10. Juni kriegt Bonn paar TTN DIY Gateways. Jetzt sind alle Maker dran um die Nodes zu basteln. Um ein Ei…
Let's build an open, free and community-owned IoT data network for the city of Bonn!
Our plan is to build a technical basis for interesting IoT projects for the people in Bonn and the region. TTN is a great platform to reach this goal. There are already some tech-minded people that are involved and next step is to reach out to local start-ups, city representatives and companies to create innovative products and services running on the TTN Bonn network together.
Let's build an open, free and community-owned IoT data network for the city of Bonn!
Our plan is to build a technical basis for interesting IoT projects for the people in Bonn and the region. TTN is a great platform to reach this goal. There are already some tech-minded people that are involved and next step is to reach out to local start-ups, city representatives and companies to create innovati…
Official community
And 28 contributors.
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Hallo Zusammen!
Am 10. Juni kriegt Bonn paar TTN DIY Gateways. Jetzt sind alle Maker dran um die Nodes zu basteln. Um ein Ei…
+++ Deutsche Version +++
Hallo Zusammen!
Wir wollen auch selber weitere TTN Gateways für Bonn bauen und zusammen mit TTN Hennef / Freie Netzwerker e.…
+++ Deutsche Version +++
3. Mai und wieder 1. Mittwoch im Monat also Zeit für weitere IoT Projekte für Bonn - wie immer es darf auch…
When: 1.02.2017 19:00
Where: BonnLAB
More info: on our FB page
+++ Deutsche Version +++
Bei unserem nächsten Treffen wollen wir konkreter über Projek…
Let's kick-start 2017 with some cool IoT hacking!
If you haven't yet thought of a good New Year's resolution (or already broke one) we have a propos…
Congratulations for becoming an official community of The Things Network!
Many thanks go out all the members of the community who contributed to this…
Dear The Things Network Enthusiasts and Makers in Bonn please join us for a Meetup on 5th of October at BonnLAB ( for a step by …
TTN Bonn project will be again one of the topics of the OK Lab Meetup ( Feel free to join us at B…
With the first gateway running and a few more ordered directly from TTN by active supporters we definitely are going to cover at least the centre of …
The real power of TTN is in the community it managed to build up and its members that openly share technical knowledge. If you haven't checked the TT…
With two Microchip Mote nodes at hand we started to experiment with LoRa technology and P2P connectivity. There were also discussions on options how …
In the following weeks the idea of building the TTN Bonn was presented to various groups of people gathered at meetings and meetups organised in Bonn…
All started with a few folks coding and hacking for a good cause as part of the Open Knowledge Lab in Bonn. For one of our projects (the Air-Quality-…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
krisauseu is now part of Bonn community
The Things Network Bonn got its 25th member
There is a new published community nearby (Bergisch Gladbach)
There is a new meetup from community nearby (Rhein-Sieg)
The Things Network Bonn organizes a Meetup on 17 July
TTN Community Bonn: @TTNBonn /
Initiator Krzysztof Sielski: @ksl2europe